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1 She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism. 2 The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma. 3 a pioneer of pragmatism. 4 The claims were based on reason, pragmatism and common sense. 5 Mill's influence on pragmatism is also evident. 6 Pragmatism tells a more promising story. 7 Mr Rafsanjani's pragmatism deserves pragmatic acceptance. 8 That pragmatism and resilience inclines this survey to optimism. 9 Strauss' pragmatism has kept the company profitable. 10 Their goals and services are rooted in pragmatism. 11 Pragmatism sought to force philosophers to confront doubt. 12 Such pragmatism has not come easy to liberals. 13 Pragmatism does not rule out any theory about what makes a community better. 14 This is a bold attempt to unite pragmatism and conventionalism. 15 We could continue in this vein, since pragmatism is a rich theory of knowledge and Quine an electrifying exponent of it. 16 This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook. 17 Pragmatism is essentially a method of settling philosophical disputes by tracing their practical consequences. 18 The philosophers of pragmatism resisted the idea that experience could be frozen at a particular moment in time and analysed in chunks. 19 The price of this pragmatism has been to disappoint those who expected radical changes after Independence. 20 If this was pragmatism, it was of a positively mystical kind. 21 In short, leaders attempt to bridge the gap between idealism and pragmatism. 22 Indeed, they have been embarrassed by them, having so internalized the epistemological criteria of positivism, empiricism and pragmatism. 23 These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism, evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism. 24 He never shifted from his brand of socialism, a commitment to more equal distribution, combined with plenty of pragmatism. 25 The pendulum has swung from silly dreaming to grinding pragmatism. 26 Labour's campaign in the weeks leading to municipal elections bore all the traces of populist pragmatism. 27 If it's being run for the short-term, they reckon, that could account for a lot of its recent pragmatism. 28 Speaking as fellow politicians, they instead stressed his vision and his pragmatism. 29 When state department analysts are asked for their opinions, however, pragmatism will probably trump ideology. 30 But they expected the rank and file to act more out of pragmatism than principle when choosing a nominee.