moderately造句31. On DeMeester-Johnson clinical score, 15 of 25 patients had no reflux, while eight reported mild and two moderately severe symptoms.
32. In this study, we found that in obese patients psyllium moderately but significantly delays gastric emptying of a solid meal.
33. For a while, she thought she could have been at any moderately boring Christmas party.
34. At Croxford House the luxuries of small classes and lavish facilities, plus moderately compliant children, cushioned his inadequacies.
35. Mbuna have a basic requirement for moderately hard, alkaline water which should be extremely clean and well-oxygenated.
36. He guessed that, if anything, he must look like an under-steward employed in a moderately well-off family.
37. He personally had a moderately good record with the natives, and as a mediator often took their side.
38. Table 15-3 shows that this expenditure has been only moderately successful in reducing water pollution.
39. It is best cultivated in soft, moderately acid or neutral water and is the most suitable species for aquariums and terrariums.
40. Grill poussins under moderately high heat for 15-20 minutes on each side, basting with the marinade.
41. Below this top crust was a growing group which included teachers, notaries, minor government functionaries and moderately successful traders.
42. Souverain continues to offer consistently fine value with this rare example of a moderately priced California Chardonnay with character.
43. Water the poinsettia moderately, experts say. Before Easter, prune severely.
44. The press also had a moderately strong influence on public feelings of warmth towards parties and their leaders.
45. In contrast, the electrostatic mechanism is moderately noisy and initially failed to gain any real support.
46. That meant nearly one in five students was moderately to severely work-inhibited-a considerable slice of the pie.
47. Most Nasdaq industry groups were moderately higher on the day.
48. Overall, Feingold has a liberal voting record on social issues and a moderately conservative one on fiscal matters.
49. Blood chemistry was monitored regularly, but showed only moderately raised liver enzymes after two weeks.
50. On Wall Street, bargain-hunting lifted stocks to a moderately higher close but concern about credit dampened any year-end cheer.
51. Eyes Eyes are of medium size, almond-shaped with well fitting lids, moderately deep set, neither protruding nor receding.
52. The lunar surface is also depleted in moderately volatile substances, and the same is probably true of Mercury.
53. Exposing rat cortex to the same stain produces uniform, moderately dense, labelling in the primary visual area.
54. A moderately effective vaccine exists against some types of streptococcal pneumonia.
55. Morrice became a moderately wealthy merchant, spending generously on the education of young men for the dissenting ministry.
56. It is high country, with some moderately good agricultural land and substantial deposits of lignite and nonferrous metals.
57. In 1899 it was rescued and a moderately successful breed society was formed.
58. Not seriously pissed off and not monumentally pissed off, but moderately pissed off.
59. The first one is to manufacture the people to buy the moderately priced poison that's brewed in the second one.
60. They withstand artificial illumination well not only from above but also from the sides and are indifferent to moderately hard water.