venus造句31. She had two rooms above a hardware store in Venus.
32. The testimony of Venus is that aerial fragmentation of projectiles is extremely important.
33. The naked white woman on the bed seemed like any odalisque, Venus, or Danaeidealized flesh made into art.
34. Transit of Venus starts by challenging the quest for paradise, and ends by succumbing to it.
35. The line on Venus is fixed to its surface at the equator.
36. The young - and those with stamina left to spend! - round off the fun at the sound-proofed Venus disco.
37. As it loops behind the Sun it encounters Venus in its orbit.
38. Venus is back in your sign and her many blessings will soon start showering down upon you.
39. At this level of detail, the atmosphere of Mars is quite similar to that of Venus.
40. It is believed that the temple once contained a bronze statue of Venus, which was later moved to the banqueting House.
41. As if in answer to this prayer one further Pathfinders production was launched in 1961- the most ambitious to date, Pathfinders to Venus.
42. Thus[http://], the lower atmosphere and surface of Venus are far hotter than comparable regions of the Earth and Mars.
43. Shakespeare himself first makes use of the myth in his poem Venus and Adonis, where, significantly, Adonis rejects Aphrodite.
44. Pompeii lay in verdant, wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus, goddess of fecundity, Hercules and Bacchus.
45. Bad luck for Venus, worse luck for the 12,000 fans, but hey, what can you do?
46. Venus shines brightly in the western sky after sunset now.
47. Several series of photographs showing the passage of Venus across the sun in 1874 were published in that year.
48. The size distribution of craters on Venus is very different from anything seen on the Moon, Mars, or Earth.
49. The twilight sky was lavender and dark enough that Venus was out, hung above a freshly minted sickle moon.
50. Venus differs from Earth in two very important ways as a target for comets and asteroids.
51. The female figure on the knife handle appears to resemble Aphrodite or Venus, the goddess of love.
52. Why does Venus have a hellish hothouse of an atmosphere and the Moon have no atmosphere at all?
53. The same radar data that permit determination of the rotation speed of Venus also permit us to prepare maps of its surface.
54. Venus and Jupiter, year in and year out, Contend for the crown Of morning star and of evening star.
55. It orbits closer to the fires of the Sun than any other planet, well inside the orbit of Venus.
56. The temperature is about 700 K, about the same as the surface temperature everywhere on Venus.
57. The 975-kilogram Magellan spacecraft was launched in May of 1989 and arrived at Venus in August of 1990.
58. The centre court crowd seemed to have lost their love for Venus.
59. The chemistry of Mars and Venus was as balanced as the periodic table, and as dead.
60. It passes Venus in the west at dusk Jan. 22, and Saturn, also at dusk, Jan. 23.