varied造句151. The high Baroque altar with its twisted columns in varied marbles is by members of the Platzer family.
152. The new enclosures varied in size according to the size of the farms.
153. The less standardised section is used to elicit information more varied and qualitative in character.
154. Clean drinking water is supplied and this is as important as a varied diet to encourage birds to the garden.
155. In the three years since these procedures were introduced the standards of development plans and the annual statements have varied widely.
156. The distance be-tween us varied as each ship dodged occasional coconut trees and tall bushes.
157. In this study, the dose of ursodeoxycholic acid varied with body weight.
158. The main crop was maize, and harvests varied with the weather and farming methods.
159. One result has been that the price of dumping rubbish has varied widely around the country.
160. The final way in which the decision might be varied is on appeal.
161. No dinner is offered but there are many and varied eating establishments within a short drive.
162. With its direct start, it provides some 210m of varied climbing on perfect, blocky granite.
163. But this is more exciting, because the music is more varied.
164. In order to create as varied development as possible, each of the five building phases will be designed by a different architect.
165. The role of the staff at sickle cell centres is highly varied, but is summarised in Table 4.
166. While this is taking place they should be given plenty of nourishing food and a varied diet.
167. The divisors can be varied: Scandinavian countries divide by 1.4, 3, 5 and 7, which aids medium-sized parties.
168. Portfolios P 1a to P 5a are varied by making changes in the correlation coefficients.
169. Dwarfs and miniatures are becoming increasingly popular as you can grow a large, varied collection in quite a small space.
170. Individual constellations of these requirements are infinitely varied, of course.
171. An exciting and varied programme of forty-two special-interest holidays both overseas and within Britain has been designed exclusively for the National Trust.
172. Feed a varied diet which includes plenty of earthworms, prawns, mussels, fish and heart.
173. Answers to the letters are as varied as the children who wrote them.
174. Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
175. The contributors have wide and varied scientific backgrounds therefore giving a balanced coverage of the different analytical detection methods in food irradiation.
176. Procedures after the discovery of these tumours have varied from mere follow up to radical gastrectomy.
177. But progress has varied dramatically, as various demographic surveys clearly indicate.
178. Salaries of assistant managers also varied because of differences in duties and responsibilities.
179. First, there is space-time, playing a primary role as the arena for all the varied activity of physics.
180. Once again, the setting is theatrical, and the perspectives are varied - Act I presents the audience at a play.