快好知 kuaihz

181. And even in the midst of ceremony, orderlies were already evacuating some severe casualties under the direction of a Frater Medicus. 182. He had suffered casualties - one man missing, presumed dead, another partially disabled. 183. The majority of other pedestrian casualties were people over 60. 184. A 1% target reduction in casualties has been set initially but this will be reviewed as part of the project. 185. In the end, they managed to win but only at a cost of heavy casualties and political humiliation. 186. Waving a fist at the camera, Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last. 187. Making travel safer will not necessarily reduce the number of casualties if there is a disproportionate increase in the amount of travel. 188. Reporters would have realized that the pressure for more casualties would lead commanders to find those casualties wherever they could. 189. Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind has warned any offensive ground action would involve more than 100,000 men and lead to heavy casualties. 190. The evidence is that when free concessionary travel was withdrawn fewer trips were made and there were fewer elderly bus passenger casualties. 191. Thirty-five percent of all draught animals were lost, if Civil War casualties are included. 192. Even in the days of precision strikes, attacks from the air would risk civilian casualties. 193. The hospital had just finished a fairly full surgical schedule in late morning when the casualties began to arrive. 194. The only problem with Snotties is that they take casualties fairly quickly. 195. The casualties were detained at the Westminster Hospital where the woman was being treated for back injuries and the men for shock. 196. Nevertheless, the total number of casualties is the second lowest annual total since the Region was formed in 1975. 197. There is also the growing opposition to the war, which will be fuelled by casualties and by worsening domestic economic conditions. 198. The authorities are said to take the view that the Gulf war will distract attention from civilian casualties in Jaffna. 199. The first is that Luftwaffe defences became better, too, and that caused a high price to be paid in terms of casualties. 200. It was only police vigilance which prevented more than the four casualties. 201. Beirut was under constant shelling; the Marines at the airport were taking more casualties. 202. Police said 36 people were arrested, mainly for public order offences, and four casualties were treated in hospital. 203. The bomb caused serious damage to the building, but there were no casualties. 204. The computer-equipped force suffered self-inflicted casualties more than three times higher than those in previous exercises without computers. 205. But this time they suffered their heaviest casualties since the battle began. 206. A court notice reported the economic loss of the two vehicles, but did not mention any military casualties. 207. Many were found to be dead and the total casualties were reported to be about a hundred. 208. When reports began circulating that up to 200 miners had been trapped, officials claimed that there were no casualties. 209. Other estimates suggest that casualties in accidents where the driver is over the limit could be in excess of 35,000 annually. 210. You will meet him if you decide to stay here tonight. there have been other casualties, killed and wounded.