byte造句(121) With the Byte Collection Editor, you can view and change an array of bytes.
(122) The least used byte becomes a special byte that indicates that a length and code character follows.
(123) Expand accessibility to support internationalisation, double - byte characters and Right to - Left support for Arabic and Hebrew languages.
(124) The most obvious issue is that the interface in Listing 6 requires a JNI call for each bit set or retrieved, as well as a JNI call to read a byte from, or write a byte to, the serial port.
(125) It accepts a Base 64 encoded cipher byte array, and decodes and decrypts it to return the clear data string.
(126) I have declared a byte array named ivBytes, which will hold the initial vector bytes for each step of the cipher block chaining.
(127) The multibyte integer representation used by the TCP/IP protocols is sometimes called network byte order.
(128) In looking at the previous code before the pipe, a byte stream of the files is created on the standard output.
(129) Big endian machines store the most significant byte first ( at the lower address ).
(130) And the N numbers of STM - 1 can form higher rate STM - N signals with byte interleaved.
(131) I could then map the new prefix to a protocol handler, which would return the byte stream for the resource, as shown in Listing 5.
(132) We described all kinds of obfuscating methods as viewed from byte code and designed effective method to produce redundant code.
(133) Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular.
(134) In addition, this new version of the NFS protocol supports byte range file locking, whereas previous versions used the lockd protocol provided by the Network Lock Manager.
(135) As a result, the 20 byte block allocated by the func() function is lost and results in a memory leak.
(136) The load/store instructions and the loop counter were geared for processing a single byte at a time.
(137) Each byte in the entire file is taken by no more than one section at a time, but there can be orphan bytes that are not covered by a section.
(138) We take the result and add a record header byte "0x14" to indicate "finished" and length bytes "00 00 0c" to indicate that we're sending 12 bytes of verify data.
(139) The Perl interpreter then converts the byte - code representation to machine code before execution.
(140) When receiving data from a native language application, the byte stream is fed into a new instance of the class, and getter methods are used to read the attributes.
(141) It is the byte string sent from the card to the terminal or from the terminal to the card, without transport control characters.
(142) One byte of cipher text is generated for every byte of plain text contained in the message.
(143) In little endian machines, least significant byte is followed by the most significant byte.
(144) The cbd instruction takes an address and generates a control word that can be used by shufb to insert a byte at the proper location in the quadword for that address.
(145) When statistical software reads a "raw" character format data file consisting of ASCII or EBCDIC characters, it must read each byte in sequence.
(146) Also note that the first two types in the class clause are LongWritable and Text, which are the byte count and line of text, respectively.
(147) When students do these embedded experiments, they do often face the problem of the transformation between big-endian and little-endian about byte order.
(148) Blobspace: A blobspace is a logical storage unit composed of one or more chunks that store only TEXT and BYTE data.
(149) The constructors of default character encoding and the default byte - buffer size are appropriate.
(150) C allow direct language right place, byte address and operate.