maternal造句151. This study also found no association between SSRI exposure and maternal weight gain.
152. With the constructiveness of maternity, Rosamund satisfies her need for maternal love and self respect.
153. Furthermore, maternal biased chromosome conversion was revealed by GISH in both triploid and diploid hybrids, as early as at trophore-larvae stage.
154. She spoke Polish to her maternal grandmother and watched movies of Federico Fellini and Satyajit Ray with her cinephile dad.
155. Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.
156. No cases of maternal or neonatal death or eclampsia were recorded.
157. Trophoblast cells, as the outermost covering of placental barrier, are directly bathed in the maternal blood, might be the key sites for invasion of HBV into placentae.
158. Results: Of 15 patients, 9 (60%) were with advanced maternal age, 8 (53%) were primipara , and 9 (60%) attacked during the third trimester.
159. Among the 10 maternal deaths in this series, 6 were due to heart failure caused by toxemia of pregnancy.
160. Frequent prenatal visits for monitoring maternal lood pressure, proteinuria, and fundal growth and by periodic sonographic estimation of fetal size are recommended.
161. Results: KNJ had no toxicologic effect in the general status, body weight change, and embryonic rat development, maternal rat delivery, newborn rat as well as the development status of rat.
162. As the trophoblast shell gradually begins to break open, maternal blood placental lacunae.
163. Unless the religious statement here has recourse to what is put by analytic investigation, to what, n in sexual union is represented by the maternal pole.
164. In person, as in her book, she is more identifiably maternal than tigerish.
165. Project rescue center set up in Yulong County, MCH, maternal hospital to give birth grants and material assistance, but also for local medical facilities to improve maternal and child health.
166. Maternal love, with a sense of fluidness of maternity, can be discerned in numerous works by women painters around the worlds.
167. In women, oxytocin stimulates birth contractions, lactation and maternal bonding with a nursing infant.
168. C. Maternal weight, height, previous obstetric history, fundal height, and the presence of gestational diabetes should be evaluated.
169. Conclusion:Maternal serum PAPP-A might be a marker for predicting fetal chromosomal anomaly.
170. Childhood and maternal grandfather Stanley Tang Obama Hamsun (Stanley Dunham) playing on the beach. Obama adult eyes, the grandfather is full of people who dream of freedom.
171. In this region, as elsewhere, the goals calling for reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality present a major challenge.
172. Wen School of Yantai University, main campus to play close to the advantage of fully relying on the maternal quality of school educational resources.
173. For example, the authors discuss findings where maternal stress has been associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in male offspring and may alter fetal brain growth.
174. Amnesty is calling on Obama to create an Office of Maternal Health within the Department of Health and Human Services to improve outcomes and reduce disparities[http:///maternal.html], among other recommendations.
175. When syncytiotrophoblast cells die, they are released into the maternal circulation, initiating a cascade of inflammation that can damage maternal organs.
176. Women and kids MSF reports that South Sudan has some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world.
177. The maternal weight, height, the gestational weeks at delivery, maternal abdominal circle, biparietal diameter and femur length are predictive factors for diagnosis of macrosomia.
178. The majority of maternal deaths occur in Asia and sub - Saharan Africa.
179. Moreover, We assay ADM on serum of maternal peripheral blood using enzyme immunoassay ( EIA ).
180. Maternal oedema has been reported with tocolysis and fluid overload.