calculated造句151 Johansson's team calculated the effect of different energy mixes, used at different levels of efficiency.
152 Correlation coefficients were calculated as Spearman rank correlations and comparison between the two methods by the sign test.
153 Miss Logan calculated how far away their horses were tethered, and was not encouraged.
154 In addition project outcome correlations with project-independent variables were calculated on the pooled data.
155 Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present.
155 Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
156 It was calculated that each child needed one pound a week for food and clothing.
157 It was a calculated attempt to make the governor look foolish.
158 Their ability to shock was based on a calculated rejection of exhausted artistic values.
159 Pearsons correlation coefficient was calculated to measure the association between continuous variables.
160 He calculated that he could not beat either Heath or Maudling, and he preferred to avoid the contest.
161 Nothing could be more calculated to provoke fresh accusations or evidence than a personal attack on Cathy Woodhead.
162 At any job symbol both the free float and the total slack, as defined in Figure 6.7, can be calculated.
163 For each patient, p was calculated according to the value of each variable and its respective regression coefficient.
164 In addition, interest on overdue tax accrued indefinitely and not on a day-to-day basis even if it was so calculated.
165 I calculated angles and distances and located the nearest exit.
166 The most fruitful studies have been based on calculated energy levels.
167 We've calculated the time from how deeply it had settled in the mud.
168 For each subject the correlation between this score and their familiarity ratings for the 10 junctions was calculated.
169 I work in a very intuitive way rather than in a calculated manner.
170 Likewise, further groupings such as percentage of coarse sand or of very fine sand may also be calculated.
171 The cholesterol saturation index was calculated from the tables provided by Carey.
172 On the contrary, much of it - the taxation proposals in particular - is calculated to sacrifice our competitive edge.
173 This was far longer than the age of the earth as calculated by the creationists.
174 Injured Stephen Pears, who took a calculated gamble with a cheekbone injury, was never tested in goal.
175 I suspect that the unattended team is deliberate: a calculated suppression of Myrtilos.
176 This occurred because we overestimated the effectiveness of disulfiram when we calculated the sample size prior to initiating the study.
177 Payments are calculated on the basis of the worker's age, length of continuous service, and pay.
178 The molar mass can then be calculated from where K * is the calibration constant.
179 He calculated that the Viet Minh would be destroyed in any attempt to capture his position.
180 Delegation truly involved interpersonal judgment, taking calculated risks on whom to trust.