fodder造句(91) Who drill you diet you treat you like cattle cannon fodder.
(92) Add enough water and fodder to the trough, we might be out for a whole day.
(93) The invention relates to a flyblow albumen powder fodder, comprising corn, wheat bran, bean pulp, flyblow powder, calcium hydrophosphate, premix compound and salt which are mixed.
(94) In thin forest just south of the tree line, a Nenets herder leads his reindeer across snow-covered pastures where lichens serve as winter fodder.
(95) Corn, common name for the cereal grass widely grown for food and livestock fodder.
(96) He also cited nothern Nigeria, where increased aridity means lack of fodder is driving herders south into the areas farmed for corn.
(97) Used as a starting fodder in the aquaculture ( industrial fish - farming, shellfish - farming ).
(98) The production test reveals that each parameter index has met the requirements of design for harvesting ensilage and fodder. The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester.
(99) The gay syndic maybe lay in the fodder by the Baby bay, " he says in consternation."
(100) Hoffenheim were instantly dismissed by many as cannon fodder after their promotion last season.
(101) The authors had tested the regulation mechanism on nutrition supersession and immune function used a kind of microorganism fodder additive for meat chicks.
(102) They can use us as cannon fodder in the sod.
(103) Does the wild donkey bray over his grass, Or does the ox low over his fodder?
(104) Fodder industry needs the additives which are environment sound, purely inartificial, immunized as well as good for growth of cattle.
(105) Any of numerous grasses of the genus Panicum, many of which are grown for grain and fodder.
(106) In the climate of the Turanian plateau, pastoral life is impossible without supplies of fodder for the long and severe winter.
(107) Swedes, manigolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne(alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets.
(108) Many species of Elymus can be used as fodder crops. While enhancing the quality of cereal crops and pasture, Elymus has biological significance in the study of Triticeae evolution.
(109) This nightmarish theory did, however, provide good fodder for a host of low - budget horror films!
(110) Steve Coogan, a comedian whose private life has often been newspaper fodder, complained about "tawdry muckraking" and the "sociopathic" treatment meted out by editors.
(111) It will achieve a good effect to spread Yuxiaan and Yuxianing as well as feeding the medical diet made of furaltadone and flour plaster mixed with the fodder of the wheat bran, soya bean cake.
(112) It and several variations on the theme are great fodder for water cooler arguments.
(113) These documents are useless - they are only wastebasket fodder.
(114) Comfrey is also known as purple blades of grass, patriotic grass, which is called Russian Fodder Vegetables in the production, for the aggregate Boraginaceae spp.
(115) While the Eagle retains some value as a cheap flanker or fodder hunter in a 500-point environment, it's hard to recommend Big Bird in this format.
(116) The growth condition of Polypedates megacephalus tadpoles were observed when fed respectively with algae, egg yolk, water flea and eel fodder.
(117) Comparative analyses were carried out on sucrose changing law and its distribution dynamic state between sugarbeet and fodder beet during their growth duration.
(118) As one kind of high molecular weight suffocate hydroxybenzene antioxidant, antioxidant 1010 is widely used in plastic, rubber, synthetic fiber, elastomer, petroleum products and fodder fields.
(119) Since then , befouled water, mildewed fodder and the relentless whip have been a way of life for the horse.
(120) We used running water breeding and feed with self - made roll fodder which contains 25 - 30 % raw protein.