tightened造句 151. Stainless steel bolts and nuts shall be tightened on manhole covers. 152. Her jaw line tightened to squareness and her eyes went emerald. 153. To counteract these problems, Beijing ordered central planning and control tightened again. 154. If sound seeds result , precautions against contamination must be tightened. 155. In the meantime, the NPC has tightened inspection of and supervision over law enforcement.英文造句goghpituitrinquinolinedepartment of chemistrylansingnormal formlasalleliliaceaeshepherd"s purseweld linetoluidinecallosumgolden cuptransit goodsfinish machiningcrossbitepolitical commissartextual criticismnuclear-powered submarineelialimit valueframe per secondtolbutamidenicotinamideceramidecarbamidedual systemoperation controltree-shaped