快好知 kuaihz

of the order of造句
31. Maximum signal currents are of the order of 50 ma. 32. The Kinetics of thermal conversion reaction of Huanxiling vacuum residue were also studied with the determination of the order of reaction and apparent activation energy. 33. That would be a reversal of the order of host and guest. 34. In the event of partial non-execution of the Order of the Distributor the Company shall ship at its own expense the remaining quantity of the Products in minimum possible periods. 35. Modern controlled drafting systems use drafts of the order of 30. 36. That would be reversal of the order of host and guest. 37. Your way of doing things at the moment seems to be a reversal of the order of host and guest. 38. For the typical high energy electron spectrum in outer radiation belt, the charging time for dielectrics is of the order of an hour. 39. For each percent of cobalt the maximum directional variation of linewidth may be of the order of 4 oersted. 40. Radiation from X-ray tubes with a source size of the order of micrometer is also applicable for X-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCI), because of its fairly good spatial coherence. 41. The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. 42. The debtor shall pay off the debt within 15 days after the receipt of the order of payment or raise objections in writing to the people's court.