balanced budget造句31. With Congress beginning debate over a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, the public remains divided on the issue.
32. The president and Congress cut a deal on a balanced budget that exempts military spending from any cuts.
33. A balanced budget meant increasing tax rates and reducing public expenditure.
34. Stenholm's proposed amendment required the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress each year.
35. Meanwhile, the Senate voted but failed to get a two-thirds majority on the balanced budget and flag desecration amendments.
36. And this probably explains why the balanced budget amendment to the Constitution seemed to be in trouble last week.
37. His proposals disappeared in the fight over a balanced budget.
38. Senate debate on the proposed balanced budget amendment could begin as early as next week.
39. Archer suggested many of the reforms sought by Clinton were in the seven-year balanced budget package vetoed by the president.
40. Gingrich on Tuesday, for example, began reviving the notion of a balanced budget agreement with President Clinton.
41. Up to the Second World War it was normal for governments to run a balanced budget.
42. New Jersey had a balanced budget when Whitman took office, allowing her to concentrate solely on paying for the tax cuts.
43. Clinton and Al Gore have become ardent defenders of a balanced budget and gay rights.
44. If so, a balanced budget amendment could leave the budget-cutting job to the courts.
45. Almost all states require balanced budget budgets.
46. The president is planning for a balanced budget.
47. He said many things about economy and a balanced budget that he must have regretted afterward.
48. I mentioned a balanced budget amendment, in a constitutional amendment.
49. I asked the Republicans to work with the White House and the Democrats in the same spirit that had produced the bipartisan welfare reform bill in 1996 and the Balanced Budget Act in 1997.
50. We worked hard to cut spending and achieve a balanced budget.
51. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.
52. The French government has not produced a balanced budget for more than 30 years.
53. Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource—money.
54. A couple of weeks later[http://], another attempt to pass the balanced budget amendment to the Constitution failed in the Senate as Senator Bob Torricelli of New Jersey decided to vote against it.
55. A constitutional amendment forcing a balanced budget - I would eliminate all of the earmarks.
56. Ironically, this happened with the passage of the Balanced Budget Act that Mr Domenici helped negotiate with Mr Clinton.
57. The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket.
58. But he also worked hard to cut spending and achieve a balanced budget.
59. But he also worked hard to out spending and achieve a balanced budget.