mammals造句61 Critics, however, point out that dinosaur joint surfaces were not usually smooth and polished like those of mammals.
62 Only one of the hoofed mammals has never been a game animal.
63 Small mammals avoid the harshest winter conditions by living within or under the snow.
64 Many birds, small mammals and fish have become extinct or are seriously threatened.
65 In the older Secondary rocks there seemed to be no mammals at all, only bizarre reptiles.
66 The mammals of the northern hemisphere have a quite different way of going about things.
67 An estimated 145, 000 of the marine mammals live off the California coast.
68 This behaviour is typical of many predatory mammals - and indeed birds.
69 From the concentrations of birds and mammals in high latitudes has grown the myth that all polar seas are immensely productive.
70 Then they will suddenly swoop down to catch mammals or sometimes insects or worms.
71 The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this modern tree shrew.
72 In most mammals sperm are viable in the female's reproductive tract for a matter of hours.
73 Again the design of the sea-lion enclosure has been of great help in the management of these attractive marine mammals.
74 Birds, bats and gliding mammals simply take to the air.
75 Moving from insects to reptiles to mammals, the importance of learned, as opposed to genetically determined, behaviour gradually increases.
76 More versatile hunters such as the Kestrel will take any small mammals, birds, reptiles or even beetles as they are available.
77 For the large mammals, clearing the mountainsides for planting was inevitably disastrous.
78 The world's list of mammals is about five thousand long, but three thousand more may be waiting in the wings.
79 They are expanding their knowledge of brain circuitry and learning-related physiological changes in the brains of higher mammals.
80 Read in studio Conservationists are about to conduct a census of one of our rarest mammals - the dormouse.
81 Of the 57 species of reptiles, land birds and mammals, more than 80 % live nowhere else.
82 Like small birds, small mammals may occasionally indulge in mobbing to rid themselves of a feared killer.
83 This is probably a comparatively rare occurrence for small mammals, but it certainly does occur.
84 Our technology and ability to cooperate in societies allows us to overcome many of the things that kill other mammals.
85 Aquatic birds and mammals, equipped with subcutaneous blubber, may also have a covering of fur or feathers.
86 Other mammals and birds recuperate or grow to maturity in outdoor enclosures.
87 Poisoned wheat is put inside the holder which is designed to let in grey squirrels and exclude other small mammals.
88 They crawled into a forest like the big, unlucky mammals they were.
89 Birds, also to some extent like mammals, have involuntary nervous controls to regulate heat; for instance, shivering.
90 It covers fisheries, marine mammals and other resources within EEZs, providing for stocks that are shared by neighbouring states.