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roman law造句
31. Visitation right is a concrete right comes to existence gradually from the parental power system, which developed from the parental right from Roman law and the Father right from Germanic law. 32. Usucaption is an old system in the traditional civil law. In Roman Law it was formulated as one kind of prescription system, and was passed on in civil code of different counties. 33. From Roman Law to feudal society and free capital society, the right of disposition finally has been established. 34. Usufruct, with the inborn nature of solving the contradictory conflicts between property ownership and usage, originated from Roman law. 35. Some foreign countries under the rule of law have a great deal of experience dealing with the retroactivity of law. The principle of Ex Post Facto prohibition originated in the Roman law. 36. As one of usufruct, superficies originated from Roman law, was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family. 37. Between the 5 th century and the 10 th century, the authority of Roman law collapsed completely. 38. Deduction is to find balance between heirs. It should be cut from the total heritage heirs getting from decedent. The deduction system is derived from the Roman Law. 39. Such personality attributes credit in Roman law in Utah for more prominent. 40. Moreover, the contributions made by Spanish and French laws are in some way Roman Law. 41. In the meanwhile, the renaissance of Roman law spirits is little by little becoming impulse force of real estate system modernization and develops ahead towards its direction. 42. Its embryo dates from "action of right in rem "which belongs to the principle of "Where there is right, there is remedy "disciplined by Roman Law. 43. Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law, constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system. 44. But the evolution of Roman law is evolutional process, which is the evolutional history during Roman republic time. 45. In the succession of Roman Law, the understanding of it differed from nation to nation. 46. The priority system originated in Roman law, which set the theoretical basis of "the preferential right of his wife, dowry." 47. Countries in Roman Law Family, such as France, Germany and Italy, have general mortgage in their Civil Code. 48. The private law tradition beginning with the Roman law entails profound humanism spirit. 49. Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage. 50. Civil law of civil law system adopts and develops the rules of error of the Roman law, but has different models of legislative act in the balance of interests. 51. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation. 52. The right of habitation originated in Roman law, and constituted the legal framework of servitudes personarum in Roman law with usus and usufruct. 53. The court referred to the concept of arra contractu imperfecto data, a rather obscure institution of Roman law (paras 44-55). 54. Non Bis Idem which originated from the Roman Law, has been considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration in the civil law and the common law. 55. The right of habitation, which was institution of civil law of law , step from Roman law. 56. Roman law in some detail the provisions of series of natural and human rights. 57. Heresy was a crime against the state. Roman law in the Code of Justinian made it a capital offense. 58. There existed the concept of restraining the abuse of rights in Roman law, but just at the beginnings. 59. The roots of traditional guardianship law in Sweden, as in Germany, are in ancient Roman law. 60. This article concludes that the common law writs are different from the interdictum in Roman law.