快好知 kuaihz

31. One-parent families are now a commonplace in our society. 32. Ill-treatment of animals remains commonplace. 33. It's unspeakably commonplace to follow one's instincts. 34. Divorce was commonplace among the Gentiles. 35. Never cheapen the wonder of the commonplace in life. 36. Nudism on beaches has long been commonplace in Europe. 37. Social interaction Microcomputers are now commonplace in primary classrooms. 38. Religious ideas about sin made sexual repression commonplace. 39. To commonplace actions he brought a special pedantic awkwardness. 40. It has the knack of making the usual unusual, the ordinary extraordinary, the commonplace special. 41. Rather strenuous debates on religious issues were quite commonplace and Uncle Tommy was always ready to take part. 42. Remember, what is commonplace to you is wonderfully new to your child..com 43. It is commonplace for the landlord to effect insurance for business premises and to seek reimbursement of the premium from the tenant. 44. Absenteeism, recurrent minor illnesses, accidents at home and at work and disturbed relationships with colleagues are all commonplace. 45. The place was suffused with struggle and resentment and frustration. Petty crime was commonplace. 46. As more white-collar employees use computer terminals to perform their work, instantaneous feedback on performance will become commonplace. 47. Bars had sprung up on South Railroad Street and around the depot, and robberies and brawls were commonplace. 48. It is clear that experiences of this kind are commonplace among elite players. 49. I had a nightmare so commonplace and realistic that it scared the shit out of me. 50. Commonplace today, institutionalized, regular showcases like that were a new concept in the early 1960s. 51. Most of the critical treatises in the classical tradition are trite and commonplace. 52. We are talking of a period and of a class in which nutritional deficiencies were commonplace. 53. This list is by no means exhaustive and is only intended to illustrate some of the most commonplace reasons for the non-reporting of crime. 54. The assault on the bus is all the more terrifying, because it has become so commonplace. 55. It used to be rare to see young people sleeping on the streets of London -- these days it's become increasingly commonplace. 56. Judicial review of administrative decisions by central or local government and certain other bodies is now commonplace. 57. Just like that, with the ease and assurance of a thing that was not only commonplace hut also predestined. 58. Everyone suffered from that daily and prolonged exposure to a Baldersdale winter - swollen faces and aching joints were commonplace. 59. To mention infantile sexuality is now commonplace, although far from being fully acceptable or comprehensible to many people. 60. It is commonplace to see middle-aged or elderly men as newscasters, but not yet women.