快好知 kuaihz

1. The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted. 2. This book is infuriatingly repetitious. 3. Both tunes are undeniably simple and repetitious. 4. It may seem repetitious to you, but not to them if you do it once to each person. 5. Then a nervously repetitious rhythm guitar pattern is added, just before the drums kick in with a churning fatback pattern. 6. My dreams become repetitious, insistent, terrifying, but I pay no attention to them. 7. A simple, maddeningly repetitious vibration, it pulsed out from the crystal, and hypnotized all who came within its spell. 8. Another variation on repetitious dieting involves having a liquid protein drink instead of a meal. 9. How are you hypnotizing yourself with outworn repetitious values. 10. Dull repetitious work gives no gratification. 11. The repetitious details need not be given here. 12. Anyway, how repetitious life is! 13. Any unnecessary or repetitious words? 14. Lab work is dull and repetitious. 15. Let us risk seeming repetitious explanation, in order to drive it home. 16. Excessive pressure and repetitious movement of flexible joint can cause serious damage to the door. 17. An on-line training algorithm is presented to avoid repetitious solving the convex programming problem. 18. I think it's repetitious, so I would just skip by it. 19. To eliminate repetitious code like this, many testing frameworks provide a way to indicate once what setup and teardown code needs to run for each of entire groups of tests. 20. This music style , featuring fast and repetitious rhythms, was influenced by the blues and country music. 21. Critics accused him of being rambling , repetitious, sometimes incoherent and lazily autobiographical. 22. He always speaks in a rambling , repetitious manner . I am so weary of this. 23. It is also true that the words tend to be repetitious, and many congregations seem to know them by heart anyway. 24. It turns out that a great deal of our conversational interaction involves the repetitious use of structure. 25. Multi-arch tunnel has some specific characters such as large excavation scope and repetitious disturbances during excavation. 26. In my opinion, this so - called President Election is just another 4 - year repetitious and stupid event! 27. To have the catchy sound of a simple , repetitious rhyme or doggerel. 28. Secondly, the concept of reconfiguration of adjacent matrix and repetitious division of bars is developed. 29. Its goal is to simplify the maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text. 30. High-volume jobs that dominate one press brake operator's time and create a painfully repetitious task for that employee.