快好知 kuaihz

151 It is hour thirty universal time. Here's the news in Special English. 152 Colonel Cathcart was a slick, successful , slipshod, unhappy man of thirty - six . 153 In treeless courtyard of the grocery store, a line of about thirty people had already formed. 154 Multi - shabu - shabu can be, and I Thirty ago, is one such dry. 155 Each silver plate weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and each sprinkling bowl seventy shekels. 156 And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels. 157 Thirty or forty passengers had already descended , amongst them colonel Stamp proctor. 158 At eight - thirty the eggs were shriveled and the toast was like stone. 159 Thirty factories were organized to rush out the high - tension ground lights. 160 The results indicated that paraquat had a significant effect on soil microflora in thirty days. 161 Thirty or forty passengers had already descended , amongst them Colonel Stamp proctor. 162 Xiao Bai is a thirty something not yet published writer, loves to about his triad experiences. 163 Please give me thirty one - hundred - yuan notes and the rest in small change. 164 There were thirty years between them, yet in a way they looked startlingly alike. 165 Or if it is a female, then your valuation shall be thirty shekels. 166 Lamar Quin was thirty - two and not yet a partner. 167 Another thirty - four wounded in the fighting, which left the area a shambles. 168 Madame Bron, who had been thirty years in the theatre, replied quite sourly. 169 Dan a bored thirty year - old math wiz who's looking for a way to change his life. 170 Thirty - three men gathered at a social club in Washington. 171 At least one person is dead, more than thirty injured in a fire in Reno. 172 Methods : Thirty wister rats were used in this study for two groups, experinmen and control. 173 According to some experts, Vermeer created thirty - five pictures in all through his life. 174 So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. 175 She would spend a full thirty days in the county stockade. 176 The race horse was clocked at two minutes thirty seconds. 177 Methods: Thirty - six cases of the primary trigeminal neuralgia were treated with microvascular decompression. 178 He's been drinking whiskey on the sly for thirty years. 179 The finished design was thirty meters long with a wide wingspan. 180 There may be thirty or forty of them to a square inch.