快好知 kuaihz

1. He speaks English very fluently. 2. He spoke three languages fluently. 3. Alex didn't read fluently till he was nearly seven. 4. She speaks quite fluently but she's weak on grammar. 5. I'd like to speak English fluently. 6. He boasted that he could speak six languages fluently. 7. Speaking the language fluently certainly smoothed our path. 8. Gabriella can speak French fluently. 9. We were trained to speak fluently and without unnecessary hesitations. 10. He speaks German fluently. 11. He spoke French fluently. 12. She can speak English fluently as she is always in practice. 13. He can fluently study The Bible from Z to A. 14. She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down. 15. She speaks German fluently. 16. Jean can speak French fluently. 17. The playing here was fluently lyrical and of great understanding. 18. She answered effortlessly, fluently, without hesitancy, aided by her innate gift for words. 19. He switched easily and fluently from speaking English to French to German. 20. When the child is communicating fluently and clearly, the most appropriate adult response may be to listen and encourage. 21. One spoke sign language fluently and was sometimes used as an interpreter. 22. He drove her back to Greystones, still talking fluently of things that mattered not at all. 23. It's extraordinary that the American girl Jane speaks Chinese so fluently. 24. He has some acquaintance with German, but doesn't speak it fluently. 25. It is quite unthinkable that a child like him can speak a foreign language so fluently. 26. By the time she was ready to go, this highly intelligent and capable woman spoke the language fluently. 27. Louisa gasped with delight to see the man and his reflection travel together so fluently. 28. They might be read in tandem as charming examples of Horace in his most fluently cajoling mood. 29. She thought lawyers represented ultimate respectability-they all made millions, rode in nice cars, and spoke fluently. 30. Once pupils can produce a printed style of handwriting fluently and confidently, they should begin to develop a comfortable joined-up style.