快好知 kuaihz

31. The touchstone of a contract is the notion of equality. 32. The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn common metal into pure gold. 33. Wherever the small force goes, it is a touchstone for grand strategy, shocking joint fires and tactical overmatch. 34. Poverty is the test of civility and the touchstone of friendship. 35. Trial sale is the touchstone of new product entry of market and marketing plan. 36. Touchstone was standing by the window, peering out through the shutters. 37. 42 As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man. 37.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 38. Setting party for public or private, that's the watershed between proletariate party and bourgeoisie party , touchstone for authentic Commie or false Commie. 39. Sabriel felt the lack of the Charter even more, Touchstone knew. 40. Touchstone is a fine - grained velvety black rock, a kind of quartz. 41. Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness. 42. She appeared to have in her experience a touchstone for everything. 43. Taking revenge will not return the Touchstone, for we did not take it. 44. Whatever difficulty you meet , remember that it might just be a touchstone.