快好知 kuaihz

1. We usually indent the first line of a paragraph. 2. Please indent the first line of each paragraph. 3. He cancelled the indent for silk scarves. 4. Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the begining of every month. 5. We made an indent for the engine spares last week. 6. Use the Tab key to indent the first line of the paragraph. 7. You must indent the first line of a new paragraph. 8. To indent text on both sides, press Shift-F4. 9. If you indent paragraphs, all headings should be centred. 10. To indent more than one paragraph, you must press F4 or shift-F4 before you type each one. 11. Press Enter, press F4 twice to indent the next paragraph I inch, and type the following text. 8. 12. You might want to indent a whole paragraph, like this one, to make a specific point stand out. 13. Leese rolled the throttle open to the indent starting position and squeezed the trigger switch on his collective. 14. Indent the second line. 15. Press Tab to indent the first line, then type the following paragraph. 16. My boots were by each indent of pressure keeping the route and the spirit of those who walked before alive. 17. Indent on reserves to cover the deficit. 18. How much do we indent a subblock? 19. A firm order is often called an indent. 20. You used a tab to indent the second line. 21. The mountains indent the horizon. 22. Defines the hanging indent of the currently selected text. 23. Herewith we an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bales of al merino wool. 24. Please make an indent at the begin of each paragraph. 25. You should always indent for your office requirements well in advance. 26. Hot Stamping , Indent Marking, Foils , Numbering Heads, Heat Transfer Heat Exchangers. 27. This time the paragraph will jump up one line, but there will be no indent. 28. Place a sheet of copper or pewter, pressing quite hard, so that you indent it. 29. Supports in the free image of products: Our company provides advertisements, delivery order . indent price tickets. 30. Gets or sets the number of spaces in an indent.