magma造句91. The last remain fluid of lamprophyre magma is similar to metallogenetic fluid in composition and precipitating sequence, showing their genetic relationship.
92. Preliminary study suggests that the greisen magma was formed by evolution of quasi-greisenic magmas resulting from liquid immiscibility of fluorine-and lithium-rich granitic magmas.
93. However, the temperatures and oxygen fugacity of magmas at high level magma chamber decreased along with fractional crystallization.
94. The forming mechanism of the magma is partly melting of deep material, multiple activity of magma, emplacing along regional great fault forming E- W trending linear batholith.
95. These factors include magma composition, convection, diffusion, thermal gradient, oxygen fugacity, temperature, pressure, the shape of magma chamber etc.
96. Thehigh thermal fluid which was brought during the magma activity might increase the paleogeothermal gradient, and accelerate the thermel evolution of source rocks.
97. H-O isotopes constitute reflects the characteristics of magma flow and metamorphic water interfusion.
98. Petrochemistry analysis of pumice component indicates that the magma can be assigned to trachytic magma.
99. The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water.
100. On this basis, combining the distribution feature of sulfide in mantle and the model of mantle diapir uprising, the model of formation and evolution of second stage magma has been advanced.
101. Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
102. The study authors propose another, more radical, explanation: The crustal rock they analyzed, called ferroan anorthosite, is not linked to magma dynamics at all.
103. This paper has proposed a hypothesis of magma tides in the asthenosphere to interpret 18.6 year earthquake cycles in major seismic regions of the world which was discovered by the author.
104. It immediately after is a branch road which spreads all over magma.
105. The Lower Paleozoic carbonates of Tarim Basin were marbleized locally due to the thermal effects of magma intrusions.
106. The element-geochemical features reflect that the magma comes from enriched mantle and that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area.
107. At this time Vesuvio ejected a large amount of magma in less than 24 hours, buried and annihilated the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum located to the southeast of the volcano.
108. They will use the data to create a 3D computer model of how magma moves through the Earth's crust to make and break continents.
109. The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.
110. And they detected hydroxyl HO that's left behind when a rock crystallizes from magma containing water.
111. I saw yellow-white explosions in my gut, and it seemed as if magma seeped through my bowels.
112. Derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earth's surface.
113. The study of REE shows that the magma type related to copper deposits is syntectic type, and that to silver polymetallic deposits is mainly re-melting type.
114. Their petrological and geochemical characters suggest that the host rock of the xenoliths is basanite, and the magma has not experienced obvious differentiation and assimilatory contamination.
115. Large scale granitic magma during Mesozoic was the major carrier for gold.
116. Therefore, the magmas were the product of low partial melting of mafic eclogite at the base of the thickened crust, and their magma sources were affected by fluids.
117. Their rock-forming substances are predominantly derived from syntectic magma of the deep crust with the addition of some assimilationary-remelting substances of volcanic-sedimentary rocks.
118. According to Gerard Kuiper, of the University of Chicago, the escape of gases from the moon's magma may have given the satellite a light, porous consistency, like that of a pumice stone.
119. Basaltic magma is fluid.
120. Earthquakes commonly accompany volcanic activity on movement of magma deep in the earth.