findings造句121. Our findings are based on a cohort of women seeking insemination treatment because their partners had a fertility problem.
122. That is, to explain the experimental findings in terms of the subjects' account of the experimental rather than causal processes.
123. Once the researchers returned to shore, news of their findings spread rapidly through the scientific community.
124. These pathological findings are in agreement with clinical studies, the most convincing evidence coming from the prospective community study in Framingham.
125. But what happens when academic researchers go out on a political limb with their findings?
126. A summary of key findings is to be circulated to social work agencies, training courses and other relevant bodies.
127. However, the findings of this study show there is no room for complacency.
128. Some teachers will believe so, particularly since it seems to be well founded on experimental findings.
129. The new data or new findings from the research should be integrated into the established theory base.
130. Invariably, the discussions that follow the analysis confirm the preliminary findings.
131. Political Pluralism and the Media Media analysis often arouses controversy, not just about the findings themselves but about their policy implications.
132. The findings are strictly confidential and we do not know if these athletes were allowed to compete.
133. His findings mirror those of other studies elsewhere on the eastern coast.
134. The researchers are making assumptions based on their preliminary human findings and the changes observed in animals.
135. The therapeutic implications of the present findings are to be established in acute pancreatitis.
136. Because of the doubtful reanalysis of the data Maran and colleagues' findings should be interpreted with caution.
137. This tends to confirm the findings of psychologists who report an optimum memory faculty for five items in any one dimension.
138. When questioned directly about these findings, the patient admitted to the presence of visual abnormalities since early adolescence.
139. In fact recent findings make this kind of view untenable, as we will see below.
140. The moral is that the need to clearly communicate findings must always take precedence over considerations of technical adequacy.
141. She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings.
142. These findings support the existence of a key L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway regulating gall bladder contraction.
143. The principal findings of the Implications Team, concurred in by the 350 members of the plenary, were twofold.
144. Other topics on which findings are ambiguous are the effects on leisure activity, crime, and degree of dependence on parents.
145. Anyway, you can't dismiss the experimental method just because some irrational people choose not to put the findings into practice.
146. When laboratory findings confirm clinical signs of nutrition problems, an interview with a nutritionist is essential.
147. The findings from these interpretations will be communicated to and developed with the relevant communities through consultations, workshops and the web.
148. More recent findings indicate that hypergastrinaemia associated with pernicious anaemia leads to hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells.
149. Chapter 8 provides a summary of the findings from the previous chapters and draws conclusions.
150. How do these findings bear upon our earlier discussion of Zande witchcraft?