relating to造句121. And certain personnel records can be withheld, for example, as can documents relating to pending litigation.
122. Questions relating to data integration emerge as being particularly critical in terms of environmental monitoring and settlement and infrastructure applications.
123. This is most evident in those provisions relating to the policing of static assemblies and marches and processions.
124. Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act.
125. However, telephone calls relating to alcohol misuse decreased from 47 in 1997 to 39 in 1998.
126. The scope of s 251 relating to summary financial statements is also extended.
127. The project is also incorporating existing machine-readable data files, relating to the nineteenth century, into its relational database.
128. Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers.
129. Mr. Moss, for the applicants, went through all the provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986 relating to administrative receivers.
130. The learner should have the opportunity to participate in ward rounds and case conferences relating to patients in her care.
131. On many important icons, precious gems relating to the colour and function of each chakra are used instead of metal.
132. The applied ethics strand is represented by a unit concerned with moral problems relating to conflict between persons, groups and societies.
133. He does not want to be probed on questions of public expenditure relating to the Labour party and its tax proposals.
134. Data relating to morphogenesis by small bowel isolates of later development, are limited.
135. Issues relating to the efficacy or the alignments of new or existing policies were not discussed.
136. In addition there are difficulties associated with trials relating to incidents which happened in times long gone by.
137. Also interested in personal anecdotes relating to aviation in the aforementioned county.
138. In almost every case relating to children - and certainly in this particular case - circumstances change, often frequently.
139. This issue is discussed further, below, in the section relating to the effect of sub-contracts.
140. On the fourth part, relating to Bridlington, the Minister proposes legislation.
141. Our primary objective is to collect, organize and disseminate information and materials relating to academic library orientation and instruction.
142. Soon, he will learn to be more flexible and will be relating to you at whatever developmental level he has reached.
143. In 1989 they were charged with indictable offences relating to the escape.
144. Product particulars relating to Midland Pensions including details of charges will be provided with your illustration.
145. Neither Bouygues nor Deutsche Telekom would comment on matters relating to any talks.
146. But until that time comes, we can only keep the laws relating to spiritual purity which are unconnected with the Temple.
147. These are composite statements, each taking into account the four factors identified as relating to difficulty.
148. This was predictable, though, looking back at historical evidence relating to a Friday Christmas.
149. Of or relating to the Carthusian order.
150. Connubial: Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal.