快好知 kuaihz

1 An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag. 2 He led a life of virtue. 3 He led us out into the grounds. 4 Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life. 5 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies. 6 He led a military mutiny against the senior generals. 7 The misleading sign led me astray. 8 The dog led the blind man across the road. 9 The receptionist led the way to the boardroom. 10 Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost. 11 I have led a dog's life. 12 She led the horse back into the stable. 13 He led us to his home. 14 He led us on,[www.]into a dense forest. 15 His political ardor led him into many arguments. 16 He led a wild life in his youth. 17 The path led through the trees to the river. 18 The drunkard led a vicious life. 19 The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs. 20 He was led away to jail in handcuffs. 21 I was led through a maze of corridors. 22 The bell-boy led us to our rooms. 23 He led them away from a marsh. 24 The official led a corrupt life. 25 A winding lane led down towards the river. 26 He led us into the room. 27 The alley led to the railway bridge. 28 These causes led to a bad result. 29 The path led up a steep hill. 30 Shortages eventually led to food riots.