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1, The Dalai Lama has always counselled non-violence. 2, "Kundun" is Martin Scorsese's biopic about the Dalai Lama. 3, It came into being after a lama saw a fight between a white crane and an ape. 4, Angela Tene and Lama meet Stephen Storvick, and begin to bring him food in his apartment above the deli. 5, Earlier the Dalai Lama had spent six days in England on a private visit. 6, Beijing regards the Dalai Lama as its worst enemy. 7, China's government selected its own Panchen Lama in China. 8, Dalai Lama group's sabotage will not block Tibet's development. 9, Still, China's power grows as the Dalai Lama ages. 10, What religion is the Dalai Lama? Joseph Smith? 11, Yonghegong Lamasery is the largest lama temple in Beijing. 12, The fact is Dalai Lama is a slaveholder. 13, Dalai Lama says his aides are talking to China. 14, Memphis Mayor Myron Lowery greeted the Dalai Lama with the "fist bump," where instead of a handshake,[http:///lama.html] two people touch fists. 15, Its fugitive Dalai Lama and his "government-in-exile" have found refuge in India since 1959—and China blames him, and by extension his hosts, for the continued rebelliousness in his homeland. 16, Everybody is listening carefully to the eminent lama expounding the text. 17, Before the current Dalai Lama, there were already some others. 18, This continuous lineage extends to the XIV Dalai Lama of our own time. 19, No matter Lama Position. The Dalai Lama hires oneself hanger-on. Must do the protest march work. 20, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: The Dalai Lama has expressed the hope to come on a pilgrimage to China. 21, The Dalai Lama , revered by many Tibetans, advocates greater autonomy for Tibet. 22, When the Dalai Lama away, then the Tibet issue will automatically disappear. 23, Sarkozy and the Dalai Lama met in the northern Polish city of Gdansk during celebrations that marked the 25th anniversary of former Solidarity leader Lech Walesa receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. 24, Following the Dalai Lama 's German Chancellery visit, Berlin has been escalating its anti - Beijing secessionist offensive. 25, In Dharamsala , im Norden Indiens, wo der Dalai Lama mIt'seiner Exilregierung lebt. 26, But for such contacts and consultations to make progress, I think what's important for Dalai Lama is to have sincerity, otherwise no substantiative results can be made. 27, The Olympic torch's world tour should have been a triumphant procession, but it has turned into a massive anti-China protest and a love-in with the Dalai Lama. 28, The main reason is apparently that president Nicolas Sarkozy will meet the Dalai Lama at the end of next week, at Lech Walesa's celebration of the 25th anniversary of his Nobel peace prize. 29, His election marks a professionalisation of Tibetan politics, until now led by the religious establishment surrounding the spiritual leadership of the Dalai Lama. 30, The so - called government in exile founded by the Dalai Lama practices a theocratic rule.