快好知 kuaihz

1. The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe. 2. We need to redefine what we mean by democracy. 3. We must redefine what constitutes a family. 4. We may need to redefine what constitutes a family. 5. Following widespread unfavourable publicity, Grand Lodge decided to redefine its rules on public relations in 1984. 6. Egg cytoplasm could redefine the fate of blastocyst nuclei that were transferred into them. 7. We may need to rethink and redefine what is provided, by whom and how. 8. Eugenists insisted that it was crucial to redefine the terrain of social intervention. 9. The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership. 10. Congress has undoubted power to redefine the distribution of power over interstate commerce. 11. At first, I redefine the definition Space. 12. Be prepared to redefine this factor as conditions change. 13. LIME Habitat in Island East will redefine luxury living. 14. Cannot redefine a simple type as complex type. 15. Healthcare City will redefine the region's medical capabilities. 16. Do you want to redefine the AutoText entry? 17. Cannot redefine popup that is in use. 18. We will finally have to redefine our relationship with neighbouring states in north Africa. 19. Let's redefine the TAB key in insertion mode so that it can be taught to recognize patterns in the text on either side of the cursor and select an appropriate completion for that context. 20. While the company seeks to redefine the low end of the market,[http:///redefine.html] Tata Motors is struggling with its attempt to gate-crash the luxury-car segment. 21. Recognising this, some feminists have used the alternative strategy of deliberately playing with words rather than attempting straightforwardly to redefine them. 22. Several of the magazines were also going through identity crises, with new editors trying to redefine Vanity Fair and Mademoiselle. 23. Six months into his second term, Gore continues to redefine the vice presidency. 24. It is by no means certain that the courts would always be willing to redefine the mens rea requirement in order to secure an acquittal. 25. These equations can be scaled up or down, rotated, or anything else, without having to redefine them. 26. The post-job world is also going to force labor unions to redefine what they are and what they do. 27. Writing, now, in the university, writing to try out new ideas, writing to redefine himself. 28. Functions become constants and you cannot assign to them or redefine them. 29. The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust wanted the landscape architects to redefine the Cultural District's northern boundary, and to reintroduce the city to the Allegheny River while encouraging development. 30. This is bad because it requires everybody who views this file to redefine their tab character or the code does not appear the way you intended it to look.