快好知 kuaihz

1. Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 2. The calves are grazed intensively during their first season. 3. The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations. 4. The land has been intensively farmed. 5. The river valley is intensively cropped. 6. This case has been intensively studied. 7. Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home. 8. All species within a given adaptive zone compete intensively. 9. Their land is farmed very intensively. 10. In most vertebrates in which they have been intensively studied - amphibians and birds - gastrulation movements are rather complicated. 11. The molecular properties of prostate cancer are being intensively investigated. 12. Much of it is intensively managed grassland carrying a heavy stocking of dairy cattle. 13. Peregrines were investigated less intensively than kestrels because of their known preference for birds as opposed to mammalian prey. 14. Traditionally the landowner need not cultivate the land intensively to provide sufficient to maintain prestige and a very good life-style. 15. Nevertheless, some wooded areas were more intensively settled and used as time went on. 16. The land is used intensively mainly for dairy herds producing fresh milk. 16.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 17. SET domain proteins contain conserved SET domains, which intensively involved in histone methylation. 18. The separation efficiency of hydrocyclone is affected intensively by the geometry structures and operating condition. 19. Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively? 20. Agricultural advisors often inadvertently encourage pests by advising farmers to cultivate more intensively. 21. It is fairly safe to eat game and animals which can not be intensively reared. 22. Many resorts but by no means all, are continuing to develop, sometimes rapidly and intensively. 23. We have publicised the plight of arctic terns, seals, badgers and intensively reared animals. 24. Although he had never formally declared his candidacy, the Texan billionaire had been campaigning intensively since March. 25. Syntax has been one of the most widely investigated areas of linguistics and human processing of language has been intensively studied. 26. Bologna was rich and had the usual rivalries with neighbours, most intensively with Modena, its arch-enemy. 27. Toxic algae has previously been confined to lowland shallow lakes surrounded either by an increasing population or intensively farmed land. 28. But special permission has now been granted to bring the ostriches to a safe country where they can be farmed intensively. 29. In order to improve the design of the swirler and flame tube, thereby to improve the performance of combustor , the structure of fuel spray in combustor needs to be investigated intensively. 30. In recent years, cobalt - substitute alloy powder for diamond tools were researched intensively.