fleeting造句(61) She had the fleeting impression that she'd caught him on the raw.
(62) Fink's symbols, such as the bird, tree, vessel and Madonna, refer to dreamlike relationships and fleeting moments.
(63) This is not to say that power in organizations has become so diffuse and fleeting that it is irrelevant.
(64) For a fleeting moment Gina almost felt sorry for Hanne's recalcitrant son.
(65) As I set off I had a fleeting glimpse of the leer of pure delight on Simkin's face.
(66) A specific point of view of a space, in a fleeting moment of time, could be held in utter stillness.
(67) The photographs are linked across the book by fleeting resemblances, oppositions, repetitions, the pictorial equivalents of assonance and half-rhyme.
(68) Love flared through her, she felt desire and sadness too because she knew this was a fleeting moment.
(69) The stuff of impressionist painting had been the fleeting glimpse of Ia vie moderne rather than the solid statue.
(70) It seems predicated upon the conviction that although thoughts are fleeting, they are things.
(71) The immediacy of these visionary experiences endows them with a high degree of intensity, but also renders them fleeting and transient.
(72) However likes being fleeting, but a life actually uncertainness.
(73) I got only a fleeting glimpse of him.
(74) Sand painting is considered a fleeting art.
(75) The world is like a fleeting show.
(76) Our opportunities to obey God's promptings are also fleeting.
(77) Sharp , fleeting sensations are not typical of angina.
(78) You beggarly I'm too fleeting, ?
(79) As Henri Cartier Bresson once said : "To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality."
(80) A fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash , they are gone.
(81) With the fleeting progress of electronic technology and computer technology, radiography has entered a new seedtime.
(82) We know the secret reason, the reason for his parricide , the silent and illusive try to stop the fleeting hands of time.
(83) A tight clampdown on media coverage makes it difficult to gauge whether the clashes are the start of a bigger revolt or just a fleeting show of dissent.
(84) The movement was characterized by its concern with fleeting effects of light and its motion.
(85) Instead of happiness, which is fleeting/deceptive/egotistical/illusory, isn't the real goal to achieve joy/contentment/satisfaction/peace/self-realization or [fill in the blank]?
(86) Beauty is fleeting but a rent - controlled apartment overlooking the Park is forever.
(87) "Horse-race" or "tracking" polls that tell the percentage of voters who support each candidate are of limited value except as a fleeting snapshot of the race on any given day.
(88) In the process of ordinary perception, the Mindfulness step is so fleeting as to be unobservable .
(89) Excitement will be easy to find, but satisfaction will be fleeting.
(90) How gloriously happy she had been during those few fleeting moments of time.