rethink造句1) Her family's disapproval made her rethink her plans.
2) We should rethink the present situation before deciding.
3) Both major political parties are having to rethink their policies.
4) Constraints on spending have forced the company to rethink its plans.
5) We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
6) This new information means we should have a rethink.
7) The Royal Family must now rethink its attitude to marriage.
8) It's time for a complete rethink of the way we farm our countryside.
9) There must be a rethink of government policy towards this vulnerable group.
10) I think we may have to rethink our policies fairly radically.
11) They rethink those wild and crazy college years.
12) Perhaps it's time to rethink our priorities.
13) That means councils are having to rethink the way they deal with waste.
14) Management felt this was the perfect time to rethink the business, when there was no crisis.
15) No Labour rethink that ignores this will stand a chance of success in the future.
16) We had to rethink the issues and create new touchstones....
17) The need to rethink our concept of the research library in this wider information environment will be discussed.
18) We may need to rethink and redefine what is provided, by whom and how.
19) The article caused a rethink in microeconomics, a rethink that is still going on.
20) The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.
21) After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.
22) As to whether she is the right girl for you,you have to rethink.
23) Is it going to get you closer to that goal? If not, rethink it.
24) This month's opposition from Mars to Uranus will cause you to rethink many ideas and beliefs.
25) So this is the time when some Governments are having to rethink their position and many non-governmental organisations to rethink their strategies.
26) I shall not add to what they have said, but it underlines the need for a rethink.
27) The film was immensely popular and had so clearly struck a chord that Hammer carried out a rethink of its production policy.
28) Tom Dale, Liberal Democrat leader on the council, demanded a rethink at yesterday's full council meeting.
29) When comprehensive schools became the norm there was still no serious attempt to rethink the curriculum or the values incorporated within it.
30) The full quota of how many and whose scripts went west in this rethink will probably never be known.