expanded造句121 Metal pendulum rods expanded with heat, contracted when cooled and beat out seconds at different tempos, depending on the temperature.
122 His mouth never seemed to alter in shape; rather it expanded and contracted proportionally when he spoke.
123 But it feels that the modern men have expanded comics, made them somehow more artistic.
124 Also, as owning firms have expanded they have diversified and have found themselves in competition with their consortium offspring.
125 The Boston economy expanded rapidly during the 1970s and the shift from a manufacturing to a service base accelerated during that time.
126 Since then, the homoeopathic materia medica has been expanded considerably as more and more remedies are proved.
127 It also applies discounts to the cost of expanded memory, mass-storage devices and layered Hewlett-Packard software.
128 Twinlab and Rexall both have expanded operations in recent months.
129 Sandford Mill, now in the heart of a greatly expanded Cheltenham, and converted to a house.
130 They also expanded into restaurants, buying two local Blimpie franchises, one of which they have sold.
131 As the special economic zones expanded, the scope of the market expanded.
132 Its expanded capacity could provide enough water for an additional 1 million Phoenix-area residents, experts say.
133 In the later stages, the initial database would be expanded and updated.
134 The definition of insider dealing would be expanded to include those contemplating a takeover bid as well as people using inside information.
135 That is why we examine the expanded role of all-purpose authorities.
136 The New York gallery will be expanded to almost double its present size, to19,000 square feet.
137 These are defined as follows and will then be expanded upon and considered in turn.
138 The other was an agricultural revolution based on chemical fertilizers, irrigation, and improved seed strains that dramatically expanded food supplies.
139 He expanded the area of cut grass to encircle nearer trees - this was his own idea and it pleased him hugely.
140 While helping Johnson to deflect criticism from conservatives, Hoover expanded the mission of his agency in the domestic arena.
141 These provide expanded capacity for platinum anti-cancer drugs and specialised organic pharmaceutical products.
142 The best of them learned the basic principles from AlB and subsequently broadened their knowledge as their experience expanded.
143 The proliferative zone, however, was expanded in the distal colon of the higher fibre diet fed rats.
144 This means adding just a little expanded memory produces a large percentage increase in the amount of memory available for data storage.
145 During the period 1990-90, urban areas expanded at the rate of 11,000 ha per year.
146 May our apostolic work be affirmed and expanded in the years ahead.
147 Furthermore, training provision is being expanded into areas such as International Trade and Management.
148 This feature could be eliminated, if desired, by arranging that n be expressed in expanded binary notation.
149 The series also features a performance by an expanded string ensemble of Brahms' Sextet in B flat.
150 In the years that followed it expanded operations without seeking local approval, earning little goodwill in Guadalcazar.