suffocating造句31. If the underlying cause persists, however, then a suffocating blanket of activated lymphocytes surrounds every new blood vessel.
32. Yeast cells struggling to survive under suffocating conditions quickly excrete the ethanol fragments because they are basically poisonous.
33. It is the same for the Sydney Olympics, where she is the suffocating favourite to win the 400m.
34. The shapechanger's body had been enveloped by the force suffocating the planet.
35. He had to keep his arms free as he needed them to keep the snake from suffocating him.
36. They were slated as Wedding Present imitators and never escaped the suffocating connection with the band.
37. I couldn't keep my eyes open, I felt as if I was suffocating in a warm fug of words.
38. That year, when I was four, I asked permission to escape the suffocating confines of our darkened apartment.
39. The suffocating security blanket extends well beyond the convention center.
40. The ceiling was low and there was a thick, suffocating feel to the air and a stale, old stench.
41. The faces are horribly contorted as if suffocating or in great pain, and their eyes seem to follow anyone who passes.
42. The CO2 filter rapidly became saturated and there was a danger of the crew suffocating on their own breath.
43. It was very hot inside the car, and I felt as though I was suffocating.
44. It was suffocating to sit between those merit was like being a fox in a bog while hounds crooned on either bank.
45. I was beneath the water, suffocating and drowning.
46. He wanted to shout; he was suffocating.
47. He seemed to be suffocating.
48. The air was suffocating and reeked of sweat.
49. The room was suffocating -- hot and airless.
50. With no windows I felt boxed in suffocating.
51. Decadence, depression,[www.] depressed. Or taste a little suffocating.
52. The foul air was slowly suffocating the children.
53. Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of Intravenous Immune globulin (IVIG) and Hydrocortisone on infant with severe asthmatic suffocating pneumonia.
54. Its European neighbors, by contrast, their histories indelibly stained by tyranny, military defeat, and imperial barbarity, seem eager to subsume themselves in a suffocating superstate.
55. From the ballroom beneath, muffled and suffocating chords were drifting up on hot waves of air.
56. I was afraid of this hatred, vicious sense of suffocating weight.
57. Stack has a stack the operating pressure I was almost suffocating.
58. Because of volcanism in the region, Lake Kivu accumulates carbon dioxide in its waters, and a major disturbance of the lake could result in a suffocating release of CO2.
59. I'll saran wrap myself to the bed and pretend my child is suffocating me...
60. The little rooms were hot and stifling, and with Tigress there he found them suffocating.