alphabet造句61. Robert Woods adopts a new approach to teaching the alphabet.
62. A full week Night be spent playing games and working on craft projects and drills on a single alphabet letter.
63. The spectral types were given letters of the alphabet, as follows: O: very hot stars, greenish-white or bluish-white.
64. Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.
65. The game is designed to drill children in the letters of the alphabet.
66. At the next stage - abstract letter detection - all twenty-six letters of the alphabet are represented by individual letter detectors.
67. At the same time, writing became more widespread, mainly using a simplified alphabet of only forty-seven syllables.
68. I had also thought to bring slates and crayons for the children and books of the Gujarati alphabet for me.
69. The letter H became the most frightening in the alphabet.
70. Why not allow other symbols from some more complicated numbering system or alphabet?
71. The new bureaucracy of alphabet soup agencies was in harness.
72. There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from every river, shimmering from every sky.Dejan Stojanovic
73. We must suppose that there is some alphabet of symbols in terms of which our mathematical statements are to be expressed.
74. Stock market shares resemble a alphabet soup.
75. The English alphabet has 26 letters.
76. Modern Greek uses the same alphabet as classical Greek.
77. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly.
78. Which letter of the alphabet separates Europe from Africa?
79. Has Wall Street's alphabet soup given you investing indigestion?
80. Can you say the alphabet backwardly?
81. For example, Greek alphabet, English alphabet, etc.
82. The letters of the alphabet are very much alike.
83. Roosevelt created an alphabet soup of federal agencies.
84. The eighth letter of the modern English alphabet.
85. I always wanted to learn the entire Greek alphabet.
86. The alphabet is usually ascribed to the Phoenicians.
87. The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
88. Phoebe: I brought you alphabet soup.
89. The letter A is the beginning of the alphabet.
90. Teaching alphabet to practice phonics and letter recognition.