presumed造句121. Heathcliff presumed to give himself a holiday on the strength of it.
122. The resilience of misfolded prions appears to be a key reason why chronic wasting disease has persisted and spread from its presumed starting point near Fort Collins, Colo.
123. But he is also looking ahead to a possible general election match-up with the presumed Republican candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona.
124. United States treaties are presumed self-executing, and the United States courts are "bound to give effect" to them.
125. Sirens wailed, flags flew at half-staff and navy ships sounded whistles as South Korea honored the 40 sailors known to have died and 6 others who are missing and presumed dead.
126. Classic theory presumed that capillary vessel changes was the most basic pathological changes.
127. BBS, the operators providing bulletin board in the net, should bear the responsibility of the copyright infringement on condition of the presumed fault.
128. " When the interviewee was described as extraverted, almost all the questions presumed extraversion, such as, "What would you do to liven up a dull party?
129. She is presumed dead, slain during her pursuit of vengeance.
130. The stadium was packed with tens of thousands of peaceful pro-democracy supporters protesting the military regime and Camara's presumed candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections.
131. ToGlynn's surprise, he learnt that MacDonald , who had been presumed dead, wasalso in Nagasaki.
132. If the bill as a non-drawer, acceptor or indorser signature of the party's share has, until the contrary is proved, be presumed that the person on grounds of effective and unconditional delivery.
133. Moreover , he presumed that cycle times for development were long.
134. We report a case of acute retinal necrosis (ARN) associated with aseptic meningoencephalitis on the basis of presumed contiguous spread.
135. The researchers wanted to investigate the presumed high perioperative risk of pancreatectomy , which has limited its use as a treatment.
136. Ginny was born around 1981 -- most likely before Halloween, given the presumed Hogwarts cutoff date.
137. Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
138. It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god Ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness.
139. Until the mid-1990s, genetics and molecular biology were dominated by a set of assumptions generally presumed to be unproblematic.
140. Many courts recognize a presumed right of access to court documents, as well.
141. There are 13 and 17 ESTs which have no homologous sequences in spermatangium cell library and nutrition cell library respectively and we presumed that they might represent new genes.
142. The condition is not recognized clinically and is presumed to be rare.
143. From the way they talked, I presumed them to be married.
144. This is to preserve space on what is presumed to be a small-screen mobile device.
145. In our calculations, an organic molecule benzene-1,4- dithiol is chosen to structure molecular junctions, and the metal electrodes are presumed to be made up of gold.
146. Paradoxically, between 3 and 49 % of presumed dopamine neurons are excited aversive stimuli.
147. She was presumed killed in the First Battle of Gyndine, but in reality went to Wayland to investigate Yuuzhan Vong activity there, along with her two male companions.
148. As long as the "presumed imputability" is not removed, the bishop in question has to abstain from all public ministries.
149. In addition, the banded mining bee, the brilliant moon beetle and the lichen, Opegrapha paraxanthodes, have also been posted missing, presumed extinct.
150. It was presumed that I prayed before I got into bed at night.