快好知 kuaihz

not yet造句
61. The membership has / have not yet voted. 62. She has not yet adapted to the climate. 63. The squadron is not yet operational. 64. The buds had not yet expanded. 65. The account is not yet settled. 66. The girl is better, though not yet cured. 67. "Has the murderer been caught?" — "Not yet.". 68. Details of the scheme have not yet been released to the public. 69. Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin. 70. We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste. 71. The army has not yet proffered an explanation of how and why the accident happened. 72. It has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately. 73. I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished. 74. We do not yet have full details of the story. 75. I was new at the school and not yet au fait with its customs. 76. I did not yet make a distinction between the pleasures of reading and of writing fiction. 77. We do not yet know the cause of the accident. 78. The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons. 79. He has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the presidential election. 80. He is not yet well enough to dispense with the pills. 81. We have not yet clearly identified the source of the pollution. 82. I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished. 83. Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional. 84. Many new immigrants have not yet assimilated fully into the new culture. 85. She has not yet reached the midpoint of her life. 86. My body rhythms had not yet adapted to the ten-hour time difference. 87. The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate. 88. Although all the votes have not yet been counted, the Democrats are preparing for the worst. 89. The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry. 90. She's not yet old enough to be employed in a position of trust.