快好知 kuaihz

121. It shows that theoretically predicted chemical shifts of hydrogen atoms in methylene in seven-membered ring are in good agreement with experimental values. 122. Theoretically, SND has more significant market discipline effect than other financial instruments due to its characteristics of unsecured position, juniority and longer maturity. 123. Quantum computers can theoretically outperform today's digital computers for more applications than previously thought. 124. Such configurations, obtained theoretically by calculation, are called models of a star. 125. Theoretically, there is an optimal tax level for an urban . The power and efficiency of urban self-organization determine its room of tax abatement in attracting firms. 126. A new sensitive all-optical modulator project on surface plasmon polariton is numerical designed. The theoretically analyses possess the instructive meaning for designing new type all-optical devices. 127. In that period Mao Zedong succeeded, both theoretically and practically, in turning the peasant-and old-style-army-based troop into a new People's Army. 128. This paper analyses theoretically and technologically, the reason of barrel tooth holders sealing off , of produced gas hole and cold crack. Especially, the writer has fourd the way to avoid them. 129. The G-tilt power spectrum and the residual variance of tilted tracking as functions of the outer scale of turbulence are deduced theoretically. 129.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 130. Therefore , it is significant theoretically and linear theory to constructing the system of secure communication. 131. And while the supply of freshwater is theoretically always the same, in reality it's diminishing. 132. A ultrasonic vibrative cleaning method is introduced and it′s cleaning mechanism is analyzed theoretically, some points for attention in choosing ultrasonic parameter are expounded. 133. Theoretically, as a kind of property tax, real property tax has the function of modifying the distribution of personal wealth. 134. This paper theoretically and practically analyze the influence of pigment particle characteristic on optical properties and printing performance of coated art paper production. 135. The design of the pumping source with multichannel surface discharge is introduced, and the trigger principle is analyzed theoretically. 136. There exist quite some theoretically speaking speaking, on pretrial preparation procedure in Chinas civil proceedings law. 137. In this paper. the influence of refractive index change under different conditions such as the laser incidence angle, the angle between micro-cantilever and liquid surface is theoretically analyzed. 138. We analyzed theoretically and computed numerically the transmission spectrum of azo - benzene doped POF LPG. 139. Then, the breakdown characteristics and the de-pendence of discharge current density on time are theoretically calculated in this kind of AC silent discharge. 140. In nightmares, while you can theoretically outrun or outfly any dangers you encounter, Dr. LaBerge recommends facing your fears instead. 141. Several stability conditions of discharge current of the low-pressure air arc light that are affected by the external circuit are deduced theoretically. 142. The study of mobile telephone channel under supply chain circumstances are theoretically based on transaction cost theory, game theory, the union of supply chain, and contract and credit theory. 143. In this paper the dynamic response of helical spring subjected to reciprocating displacement is analysed theoretically. 144. Theoretically, Ted Hughes's poetry is the poetic practice of Frankfurt school's viewpoint on the role and value of art in contemporary society. 145. On the basis of the relative magnitude of their standard free energy of formation, the order of relative stability of PBTA congeners was theoretically proposed. 146. Based on the target of profit maximization, a quantitative method to optimal product pricing is presented theoretically by supply and demand and marginal analysis. 147. To begin with, the paper has analyzed the industrial colony's formation and the competitive power superiority, as well as the unique characteristic of information industries theoretically. 148. The BSO crystal fiber having magneto-optical Faraday effect is developed. This effect is analysed theoretically by ray-analysis and Jones-matrix method, and proved experimentally. 149. Corpus linguistics in its rapid growth has made a great impact on various language related areas of research, both theoretically and methodologically. 150. Theoretically sludge yield is nil for the extended aeration process.