potassium造句61. Following absorption in the intestinal tract, potassium is partially filtered from the plasma by the kidneys.
62. The medical experts found potassium levels were particularly high in some children.
63. Several factors influence the distribution of potassium between body comPartments.
64. Potassium salt is sometimes used as a substitute, or mixed with sodium salt.
65. The acute rise in potassium in conjunction with the clinical setting suggests that an acute respiratory acidosis has developed.
66. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation in the body and is second only to potassium in intracellular concentration.
67. This led detectives to conclude that three of the four dead children had suffered potassium poisoning.
68. The sergeant sat down, placed his feet into the ice-cold potassium permanganate solution and heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.
69. Organically farmed crops are not sprayed with any chemical pesticides and are not treated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphate fertilisers.
70. Additionally, there will be an increased renal excretion of potassium causing a decrease of potassium in the extracellular fluid. 258.
71. More recent evidence suggests that there is cotransport of sodium, potassium, and two chloride ions together at this site.
72. The technique allowed him to measure the ratios of two elements, potassium and argon.
73. The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive decay and emits argon gas.
74. In his car-it looks like a Passat-he has cylinders of carbon monoxide and bottles of potassium chloride.
75. For example, in acidosis from diarrhea, the serum potassium level is often low rather than high.
76. Typically, sodium ions are excluded and potassium ions are hoarded.
77. No ionisation suppressant is specified for sodium or potassium determinations.
78. One of the minerals - potassium - will also help reduce the risk of cramp during sport.
79. Unlike sodium, potassium exhibits no renal threshold being excreted into the urine even in K depleted states.
80. He extracted their blood and their vital juices and boiled them up with mercury and potassium and other, secret ingredients.
81. The serum potassium level is sometimes helpful in determining acid-base status.
82. Sodium Sodium delivery to the distal tubule is necessary for adequate potassium excretion.
83. The potassium ferricyanide component is very sensitive, and will detect iron in calcite with 1% ferrous carbonate in solid solution.
84. The coir is blended with a mix of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers to form the new compost.
85. Potassium permanganate and sodium hypochlorite being added to anaerobic waste to speed the digestion process.
86. In the process of clotting, potassium is released from platelets and may also be released from white cells.
87. Gunpowder is composed of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate.
89. Folic acid metabolism has been shown to require potassium.
90. Acid calibration potassium hydroxide, to phenolphthalein as indicator.