collecting造句61. One of my childhood occupations was collecting stamps.
62. We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.
63. After collecting the cash, the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line.
64. He took on the responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.
65. I didn't know what to do with it, so it just sat there collecting dust .
66. The police are collecting clues in order to piece together the details of the day she died.
67. He persevered with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.
68. He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies.
69. We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets.
70. This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts.
71. They are collecting information in preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk.
72. She has been collecting stamps since she was a child.
73. She went from house to house collecting signatures for her campaign.
74. Parents must sign pupils out when collecting them for doctor's or dentist's appointments.
75. She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions.
76. Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.
77. Some people were in the street collecting money for charity.
78. I'm in the process of collecting material for an article that I'm writing.
79. They are collecting customs.
80. We're collecting for the children's home - please give generously.
81. What about leaving it here and collecting it on the way back?
82. If the stylus jumps, this may be due to dust collecting in the grooves of the record.
83. She expects me to drive round collecting jumble for the church.
84. He is taxed withthe job of collecting the latest military information.
85. We've got as far as collecting our data but we haven't analysed it yet.
86. He's collecting material for a new book on space travel.
87. They are going from door to door collecting money from civilians.
88. An archivist takes collecting a stage beyond.
89. The actual process of collecting was very complicated.
90. Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them.