thorny造句31) He may touch on several thorny border issues, such as immigration, sewage management and economic development.
32) Her hands thrust into the darkness in front of her where they touched a thorny vine covered with young cucumbers.
33) This is the really thorny question, but only relatively recently has it begun to receive the attention it merits.
34) I ent doin' no fancy theatricals with ole corny thorny.
35) That thorny subject, if he but knew it, was as painful to her as it was to him.
36) It was matted, thorny stuff that would tear unprotected flesh to ribbons.
37) With the emergence of a global community, however, thorny problems appear.
38) Chapter 5 focuses particularly on the thorny question of idealism.
39) The ongoing success of his department validated his approach to the thorny problem of appraising individual effectiveness.
40) My babies had become thorny bully boys, and I found that my garden was not so large after all.
41) Which just leaves us with the thorny question of prices.
42) The high savanna lowered into a lower, drier savanna, dark with thorny, tangled thickets.
43) Melding the top managements also would be a thorny issue.
44) Compensation and betterment proved thorny issues and were not totally resolved until 1948, and then only temporarily.
45) The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem.
46) The question is, how shall I say, quite thorny.
47) The thorny mesquite is undoubtedly another fair conditioningtor.
48) We have touched a thorny difficult problem.
49) The new path was a thorny one.
50) It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem.
51) The unique fieldwork and " ethnographical " methods of modern anthropology provide an approach to solving this thorny aesthetic problem.
52) Be colourful Xing Qiaodan to choose ring is quite thorny issue, what kind of ring ability the look media from her attract before surfy bosom go up in one's hand?
53) If you've experienced a similar professional crisis, please weigh in with your suggestions for dealing with these thorny issues.
54) Using IOCP - The disadvantage of this approach is that there are many practical thorny programming problems that must be solved.
55) The Japanese quince is invaluable for early spring color when its bright orange-flame flowers stud the bare thorny stems for weeks.
56) Race relations in the USA continue to be a thorny problem.
57) Therefore, human capital value assessment of professional managers has become hot and thorny issue in the constructing professional manager procession in our country.
58) The so puppy love problem is a thorny issue for all teachers.
59) Many species had tomentum and lepidoste usually covering leaves, and some species had devoloped thorny shoots or leaves, so as to adapted to dry habitat.
60) The Thorny Devil, or Moloch horridus, gathers all its water through channels in its skin.