快好知 kuaihz

(151) Although it can not solve the security problem fundamentally, it can overawe criminal in some degree, and it may provide some important clue after things happened. (152) This product promotion, can change fundamentally Chinese meat consumption habits, will be China's consumption of meat brought about a revolution. (153) Both beer and shampoo have polar molecules that accumulate at a liquid–gas interface, but the mechanisms that prevent bubble collapse in soap foams or pilsner heads are fundamentally different. (154) Ecotourism is the "common ground" because it fundamentally changes the economic dynamics of business. (155) The market acts fundamentally while the state plan has an important guiding function in the disposition of resources. (156) Sithole said that "somewhere in this world some unfortunate person living in a refugee camp has not only been provided with something to wear, but more fundamentally with hope." (157) Or is it just because I don't want to confront the fact that people are the way they are, which is to say fundamentally self-interested? (158) As for himself, he was too tired to grapple fundamentally with the fact. (159) Australian climatologist Will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.