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151. It is also a weak point of tumour preventive work in China. 152. Common oral cavity jaw is facial and malign tumor has: Malign and cancer of oral cavity scale, fibrosarcoma , lymphatic tumour, malign melanin tumour, mixture tumour is evil change etc. 153. Novartis, East Hanover, NJ)is the first selective signal transduction inhibitors in the management of tumour malignancies. 154. The focus point of discussion on anti tumour drugs, prevent and treatment drugs for heat and blood vessel disease, marine biotoxin. 155. Conclusion Mean of operation and character of tumour are closely related to facial nerve injury. 156. Shells of wet tantalum capacitor by deep drawing have been unable to meet quality requirements because the seizing tumour appears easily during deep drawing. 157. Conlusion: Tumour on the nasal cavity, bone destroy on the nosepiece and he border upon frame, N – NHLshould be hinted. 158. And the survival time of S180 ascites tumour bearing mice is extended by compound UFA301 with a trend. 159. Conclusion This study may be important for analysis of biological behaviour, selection of treatment menthods and adjudgement of prognosis in tumour. 160. To the tumour inside skull, helminth , haematoma and cerebral blood - vessel pathological changes can provide exact diagnostic basis. 161. Objective: The paper was fixed the effective fractions and components about resisting tumour in Ranunculus Thunb. 162. Someone subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour might easily be biased, consciously or unconsciously, to exaggerate the former and misstate the latter. 163. Zhili Shu felt scared about the suddenly emerging caruncle and was afraid that it would be a tumour and would finally threat his life. 164. Hormon - dependent tumour may sometimes be controlled by the artificial administration or deprivation of hormons. 165. How should be medullary tumour and anaemia and colon treated? 166. Conclusion Using expanded forehead flap to reforge nose because basal cell carcinoma is a lower malignant skin tumour. 167. The collier that asbestine mine extracts and machines and worker, the person that contacts asbestine produces the person that far outclass of tumour of the skin between pleura is not contacted. 168. One of its mechanisms is through reduces the cell line plastochondria membrane potential, then causes in its butcher the environment change to cause the tumour cell death. 169. Objective To summarize the experience in diagnosis and therapy of familial adenomatous polyposis with desmoid tumour. 170. What reason can low fever lasting after operation of mammary gland tumour be? 171. Have a person to know the problem of rhinal tumour? Enter please! 172. The best method that tumour of vertebral and hemal deformation cures? 173. Sclerosing stromal tumour is a rare benign tumour arising from the interstitial tissue of the ovary. 174. From where home can the hospital do mammary gland tumour? 175. Objective: The paper was fixed the effective fractions and components about resisting tumour in Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. 176. Methods Telomerase activity in the cells from various kinds of ascitic fluid was detected by PCR-TRAP and compared with the cytological diagnosis and tumour marks. 177. P53 expression is markedly related with age but not with sex, depth of tumour invasion and lymph-node involvement. 178. Microscopic findings showed that diffuse spindle - shaped and pleomorphic tumour cells were within the myxoid stroma. 179. One not careful huckle grew a flowing muscle tumour, had finished now operation, also did put cure, just do not understand all the time how chairman this thing? 180. an inoperable brain tumour.