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91. Once fully operational, they should process 3,000 tons of effluent a day. 92. The Celestri global broadband communications network is expected to be operational by the year 2003. 93. Even if there is no dependence on human performance in the on-line operational mode it is bound to exist in the maintenance mode. 94. It became operational during the Summer and since then has visited over 20 events including major galas and fetes. 95. Operational highlights Our operating activities during 1992 have achieved a number of successes. 96. It then develops ten-year plans for both operational and capital projects, with specific goals and costs. 97. In education operational time scales tend to be longer than commercial ones, certainly so far as joint projects are concerned. 98. At least eight countries are known to have operational nuclear weapons. 99. The implementation of section 39 is an operational matter for the chief constable. 100. Dust extraction plant had been installed and a vacuum cleaning system became operational. 101. Overton describes three different types of information obtained from automated systems - statistical, operational and analytical. 102. It contrasts with the information needs for operational control which are well defined, detailed and accurate. 103. The quantity of operational information in the industrial assurance enterprise was vast. 104. While the description of the problem is couched in literary terms, hypotheses ought to be couched in operational terms. 105. Leaving the peasants in the dark From multi-sectoral operational components to the cross-cultural implementation of paradigm shifts. 106. In 1979 an operational researcher was brought in from the academic world to look at the use being made of Exminster. 107. Once you have defined your operational indicators, the next activity is to collect data. 108. In this respect, the concrete operational child is liberated from the intellectual egocentrism of the previous period. 109. Testing retrieval effectiveness in an operational environment such as a library catalogue proves to be problematic. 110. In liaison with the Operations Manager, to review database management and data preparation activities, and examine operational issues and procedures. 111. Formal guidelines covering team objectives and operational policies were at a minimum in 1982. 112. Leading the way to operational safety and efficiency is the installation of appropriate floor matting, specific to the work station requirements. 113. The narrower is this spread, the greater will be the operational efficiency of the market.http:// 114. The most colourful character amongst these was William Riley, who had a varied and successful operational career. 115. Companies are flattening management hierarchies and erasing the operational separation between managers and workers. 116. The initial phase of the wartime operational expert system was completed towards the end of 1987. 117. Members of an operational group at Statoil's office in Forushagen have been working on a tender exercise with Lagos site office. 118. The terminal is fully operational and airlines will begin using it next week. 119. The focus is on the operational role of custody officers. 120. Working alongside internal or external suppliers, you will develop and present cost-effective programmes such as induction training or operational modules.