快好知 kuaihz

31. Sunstein's theory of the Dis Information Age is pointedly non judgmental. 32. Second, and more pointedly, must the meaningfulness of our lives depend on the existence of God? 33. The ads he is financing this weekend refer pointedly to the Council, reminding voters of a "slush fund scandal" involving fake community organizations, but conspicuously ignore the mayor. 34. Methods: To make an investigation by questionnaire and intervene pointedly according to the investigation result. 35. A look of surprise and irritation passed between them, and then they pointedly ignored each other. 36. At the same time, Bush's order pointedly did not disavow the use of"enhanced interrogation techniques" that would likely be found illegal if usedby officials inside the United States. 37. The recent quadripartite consultations, involving Japan, the US, India and Australia, pointedly excluded China, creating fissures in the New Delhi-Beijing bilateral equation. 38. Why does the narrative pointedly refuse to tell us what passed between Vere and Billy after the court-martial ? 39. In the third part, the theist pointedly points out the 40-word countermeasure to prevent the corruption of political power in the transforming period. 40. She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple. 41. Like Liz Phair, a U.S. phenom of the early 1990s, Sheena pointedly contrasted her clean-scrubbed good looks with the raunchiness of her lyrics. 42. But there I sat, staring at 27 down, "Beverly Sills’s shoe size, " pointedly ignoring Jennifer and the couples remodeling their hampers. 43. The big men , who command loyalty and weapons on the ground in Darfur, pointedly stayed away. 44. This, he adds pointedly, could make life very difficult for certain " large applications companies. ". 45. One among her fellow-travellers addressed her more pointedly than any had spoken before: 'Why, you be quite a posy! 46. Looking at him pointedly, she accepted the few sheets of paper. 47. On Monday, there was Clara Aguilera, agriculture councilwoman for the region of Andalucia, pointedly biting into a whole cuke. 48. Finally, industrial clusters development policies and advice are pointedly proposed to promote the midland region progress. 49. At the April G20 summit in London, France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel stood shoulder-to-shoulder to insist pointedly that this recession was not of their making. 50. The Dalai Lama's eight-day tour of Sikkim was pointedly timed to come just after Wen Jiabao, China's prime minister, had been in Delhi, discussing how to improve ties. 51. He looked pointedly at Mrs. Elsing's flat bosom, grinned suddenly and, bowing, made his exit. 52. Meditation, one - pointedly centered upon the power of the elephant, will awaken that force or light. 53. He asked her the question pointedly, and with a glance at her father. 54. Indeed, his book has the polemical subtitle "Governance in a Normal Country, " pointedly distinguishing it from such analyses as Geoff Andrews's "Not a Normal Country: Italy After Berlusconi" (2005). 55. The young woman's scolding had pointedly reminded Drizzt that Catti - brie could take care of herself.