快好知 kuaihz

no wonder造句
(31) No wonder failure exists on planet Earth. (32) No wonder your heating bills are so high! (33) No wonder, it will be a free vote. (34) No wonder Graham was a bit of a wimp. (35) No wonder they had opened fire. (36) No wonder, exhausted and broken-hearted as she was. (37) No wonder the Bears were fretting. (38) No wonder you turned into such a weasel-faced guttersnipe. (39) No wonder my curiosity was aroused. (40) No wonder he got such spectacular results at business! (41) No wonder Laimonis was obsessed by her. (42) No wonder he chooses to remain anonymous. (43) No wonder they are being abolished. (44) No wonder country music sounds the way it does. (45) No wonder they sermonize and embrace. (46) No wonder he was so conscience-stricken and gentle. (47) No wonder I had felt so calm. (48) No wonder, then, that several institutions are hopping mad. (49) No wonder, perhaps, that Seaman dropped a brick. (50) It's no wonder Hite is pissed off. (51) It is no wonder that misunderstandings arose, but they should not have affected our professional relationship. (52) No wonder that theism is abandoned with such alacrity by so many of these new philosophers. (53) No wonder the men failed to foresee what a forceful leader she would be. (54) No wonder the muster takers and subsidy collectors sometimes experienced difficulty in classifying them. (55) It was perhaps no wonder that he reacted against the spartan, puritanical environment of Potsdam. (56) No wonder then that these popular industries demanded and even initiated technological improvements. (57) No wonder Profit ended up sleeping with his drug-addicted stepmother, chaining his father to a bed and setting him on fire. (58) No wonder this is a subject that veterans do not treat lightly. (59) No wonder the airlines vie with each other to advertise their copious offerings of wine. (60) No wonder the prose is not so peerless in our morning newspapers.