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151. She still calls him by his childhood pet name. 152. I began to think back to my childhood. 153. You'll soon pass out of childhood into manhood. 154. He spent his childhood and youth in the Volga region. 155. In addition, she has written several nonfiction works, including books about cats, a love since childhood. 156. In the childhood, tribulation is his teacher, and his mother sets a good example for him. 157. He only accepted the primary education off and on in his childhood. 158. Objective : To explore an ideal therapeutic way of drugs retention enema for childhood ulcerative colitis patients. 159. Therefore, this research paper is based on the reflection of Zambian Early Childhood Education Development. 160. It is also associated with attention deficit and learning problems in childhood. 161. From childhood on Tennyson was fascinated by the sound of words. 162. Oh , and that is what I just did obliterate the point of childhood fantasy. 163. At home it began a program to vaccinate children against infectious childhood diseases. 164. The years whet difficult, the slightest whetted to the dream of childhood. 165. Childhood is looked upon as the happiest time of life. 166. Though born in Helder, I spent my childhood in The Hague 5. 167. Along with mother's wicker basket , I returned to the times of youth, youngster and childhood. 168. Alleles of the apolipoprotein E gene have distinct neuroanatomic signatures , identifiable in childhood. 169. IN THIS ARTICLE: Anthony Trollope had a difficult childhood, often being neglected by his parents. 170. Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse second childhood than In first. 171. Objiective : To study the effect of sports physical therapy on childhood asthma. 172. Objective To explore clinical relationship between childhood urinary tract infection and primary vesicoureteric reflux. 173. Monday was Jorge George Washington's birthday, but . But not as much is known about his childhood. 174. The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life - shaping unpredictability as any kid. 175. The situation on blindness by trachoma, childhood blindness, glaucoma, diabeteswill be discussed. 176. A light that sways like the wooden horse from childhood memories. 177. Samuel is an 18 year old boy who suffers a strange neurological disease since childhood. 178. MRS . NIKZAD : Don't spoilfor him, dear. Childhood is the happiest time of life. 179. In the film, the story of his childhood is telescoped into a few short scenes. 180. Be gentle in old age; peevishness is worse in second childhood than in first.