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(1) For members of socially subordinate groups, subordination remains salient even though superordinates are not immediately present. (2) Subordination of another kind may be discerned in the works of Thomas Aquinas. (3) Another method of subordination is a prohibition on repayment of the debt whilst other creditors remain unpaid. (4) In its subordination of character to plot, sentimental comedy moves in the direction of Romantic drama. (5) None of the overtones of subordination and all the rest of it would have been present to the Hebrew. (6) Traditional subordination is arbitrary, exploitative arid alien to the modern values of management by commitment. (7) This meant the subordination of all individuals and self governing bodies to the Government. (8) Subordination and silence best became their years and capacity. (9) Equitable subordination doctrine is a legislative exploration about whether the controlling company's claim should be subordinated when the subsidiary is bankrupt. (10) The subordination of one customs establishment to another shall not Be restricted By administrative divisions. (11) The degree of subordination of an item in an hierarchic arrangement. (12) The old patterns of subordination and domination in an inflexible hierarchy may no longer work well. (13) She claims that society is still characterized by male domination and female subordination. (14) Nevertheless, with the growth in the size and power of the public service state he recognized the dangers of subordination. (15) Nevertheless, feminists recognize that women's exclusion from culture and language is an important aspect of their experiences of subordination. (16) Barth believes that the scriptures from Genesis forward imply the headship of man and the subordination of woman. (17) It made me reappraise my attitudes to oppression and the politics of domination and subordination. (18) For a start, it is a subordinate class, and being a socialist means surrendering a culture of subordination for self-determination. (19) It can also imply that all the experiences and aspirations of their members are exhausted by the fact of racial subordination. (20) But energy management systems also represent a move towards the increased subordination of other building occupants. (21) Religion, Professor Berti continues, is the term for this subordination of reason to imagination, a subordination motivated by fear. (22) There was of course nothing new in a patriarchal family structure based on the subordination of women and children. (23) Authorizing expenses, travel and recruitment are forms of bureaucratic control rather than manifestations of subordination. (24) Oriental culture is a subaltern culture, conceived through the very process of its subjugation and subordination to the universal culture. (25) In a sociological imagination for the local community, information must have no predetermined subordination to any other set of resources. (26) Not treating women as autonomous, in pornographic love-making, has the consequence of reinforcing women's subordination. (27) Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system. (28) IV. The Lender is entitled to stipulate the disposal of guaranty and hypothecation in term of contractual stipulations or the stipulations in the subordination agreement of the contract. (29) Bio-S is an excellent source of sulfur for turf which is a component of aminophenol and protein. Bio-S is subordination alimentation element. (30) It is beneficial to handle news strategy well by mastering its features, which include subordination, regularity, systematization, purposefulness and creativity.