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271. With this approach, you create a centralized management solution by configuring generic routing logic into each appliance and then have the script call external routing rule services. 272. In this case, the selection of the destination and the routing both occur per-message at run time. 273. The paper proposes a distributed algorithm for part message delay-constrained multicast routing directed at ensuring quality of service of multicast tree. 274. Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol selects the shortest-path or minimum hop count from source to destination as route selection metric. 275. Some of the commonly used location abilities include mapping, geocoding, positioning and routing. 276. Based on the LS algorithm, the mobile packet routing is implemented using the propagation mode of D BF algorithm and the global routing topology table (RTT). 277. The inappropriate using of the MED attribute commonly induces to the hot potato routing and the persistent MED oscillation. 278. At runtime, SOA policy provides ready access to change key operating characteristics of a service, including business parameters like approval limits and transaction routing. 279. Routing of a PIM - SM agreement Diubao re - use data transmission part agreement. 280. This paper depicts an adaptive routing algorithms by initializing or maintaining routing table dynamically./routing.html 281. The routing algorithm for alternating group networks and shuffle-exchange permutation networks. 282. Attempting to better control routing strategy, most operators deploy BGP to backbone node routers.