point of no return造句(1) Russia, he said, had reached the point of no return on the road to reform and had to go forward.
(2) I was aware that we had passed the point of no return.
(3) The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.
(4) Sailmaking We've reached the point of no return!
(5) Foo was beyond the point of no return.
(6) The fire is the point of no return for the Gaucis.
(7) The dam project has reached the point of no return.
(8) Relationships with the union beyond the point of no return?
(9) Suddenly it passed the point of no return and plunged downwards.
(10) By Joshua's time they had reached the point of no return.
(11) I've crossed the point of no return.
(12) I was at the point of no return[/point of no return.html], deep in the darkness of passion's insanity.
(13) In this matter, we have reached a point of no return.
(14) There is no such thing as a point of no return in this battle.
(15) "We are at a point of no return, " he said in a recent report.
(16) Financially, that country has passed the point of no return.
(17) Now WE are, again at a point of no return.
(18) Humans often harvest to a point of no return for the associated species.
(19) The debt crisis in Greece is approaching point of no return.
(20) I may be approaching that invisible point of no return.
(21) We have almost reached a point of no return for government debt, " it said."
(22) In everybody's life there is a point of no return.
(23) Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
(24) The principal message conveyed by the leadership was that the Three Gorges project had reached the point of no return.
(25) In a few more moments this love scene would have reached the point of no return.
(26) We can harness the ingenuity of farmers and scientists; citizens and entrepreneurs to free this nation from the tyranny of oil and save our planet from a point of no return.
(27) The way you behaved the other night has pushed me past a point of no return.
(28) If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return.
(29) He did not wish to drive the crisis beyond the point of no return.
(30) Sea ice cover is in a downward spiral and may have passed the point of no return, with a possible ice-free Arctic Ocean by summer 2030, senior scientist Mark Serreze said.