unspoken造句 91. The power of humor to dissolve a hostile confrontation often lies in its unspoken promise. 92. I came to understand the unspoken words in his work. 93. This was, as it were, his unspoken apology to everyone. 94. Asthe men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry deployed, planeload afterplaneload, to Afghanistan this year, there was an unspoken question in the air:Who among them wouldn't make it home?英文造句not without reasonconstantine the greatbeta testingmarriage bedbering seabanking industryterminal computerstaff appraisalbe in the wrongbig fiveconfocalinitial paymentfunicular railwaypublic accounting firmsnon-developmentword sizePC cardlong chainstarting valueeven functionolfactory organtaking inventoryfinding of factbusiness jargonoverall budgetcontrol deviceoperating planprivatismkotex