快好知 kuaihz

play at造句
1, We are going to see the new play at the Playhouse. 2, Who shall we play at/as centre-forward? 3, The new play at the National Theatre's a wow. 4, I saw him play at last year's tennis championship. 5, Next week we will play at a football game. 6, Can we play at cards this evening? 7, Little boys like to play at being soldiers. 8, Let's play at pirates! 9, The children are doing a play at the end of term. 10, The football team play away these days and play at home next Saturday. 11, He's living proof that footballers can still play at the highest level into their late thirties. 12, The new play at the Youth Theatre is an impressionistic view of life in the fifties. 13, Tonight is your last chance to catch the play at your local theatre. 14, I liked to play at being bright. 15, Q.. Are you nervous when you play at concerts? 16, Which sports do you play at school? 17, That different creditors should play at brinkmanship is understandable. 18, I went to see this bloke play at Ronnie Scott's last night. 19, First they come to peep,[http:///play at.html] then they play at racing cars. 20, He rose at 7 a.m.,rehearsed all day and appeared in a play at night. 21, All the mums and dads are invited to the school play at the end of the year. 22, When Jack made that remark, he meant merely to play at her. 23, It's a great thrill for a cricket-lover like me to play at the home of cricket. 24, Well, when I found out that my husband had been having an affair I thought two can play at that game! 25, I like to eat popcorn when I am watching TV play at home. 26, I discovered that my husband was having an affair—well, two can play at that game! 27, His parents are so rich that he can just play at being a businessman. 28, Aikman even flew in a Dallas country-and-Western band to play at his 10-year high-school reunion in 1994. 29, In 1930 he went to Bavaria to see the passion play at the mountain village of Oberammergau. 30, But 95 of those seats were booked for a high school band going to play at a bowl game.