last resort造句(1) Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.
(2) In the last resort, we can always swim back.
(3) In the last resort we can always walk home.
(4) Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed.
(5) Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.
(6) In the last resort what really moves us is our personal convictions.
(7) I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.
(8) Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.
(9) They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did.
(10) Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.
(11) You have to help me - you're my last resort.
(12) Only as a last resort does he employ them.
(13) That was a last resort, they said.
(14) The professional abortionist was a last resort.
(15) In the last resort, anything is preferable to spinsterhood.
(17) Only in the last resort, under careful international policing and after all other attempts at persuasion have been exhausted.
(18) And a system whose first and last resort was all too often expediency.
(19) Such abuse is the last resort of the political illiterate.
(20) That belief, in the last resort, is one which separates modern from medieval man.
(21) British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.
(22) The mortgage company had acted with forebearance, only taking them to court as a last resort.
(23) Sooner or later some country will refuse to practice the prescribed domestic austerity necessary to satisfy the international lenders of last resort.
(24) Loans are unsecured and there is no lender of last resort.
(25) Chemicals If used strictly according to recommendations, chemical treatments have their place, if only as a last resort for serious threats.
(26) Imposing answers to thorny moral quandaries ought to be an option of last resort in a democracy.
(27) The guidance emphasises that restraint should be used as a last resort within a caring and disciplined home environment.
(28) The mortgage company had acted with forbearance, only taking them to court as a last resort.
(29) He can't afford to pay for a private nursing facility, and the County Home is a last resort.
(30) Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort.